Chapter 76//Bundle of Joy

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Eriko stepped out of the room, leaning heavily against the wall. She had put on a calm facade in front of the pregnant Empress, but now she could let it down. Sweat slid down her back. She quickly collected herself, knowing the other woman needed her help.

She started rushing to the room the Emperor was in. Eriko remembered someone had mentioned something about a meeting in the East Wing of the palace. She sprinted, the wooden floor slippery underneath her white socks. She huffed, yanking them off, not wanting to hurt herself. She started running again, her ponytail slowly loosening.

Eriko started hearing male voices conversing in serious tones. She turned around, following her hearing. Two doors where not fully closed, a peek of the room visible through them. The Emperor could be seen, talking to a general.

Eriko almost threw herself against the doors, yanking them open. The room was full of noblemen and generals, a map of the Empire in the center, some crosses on villages. Every men in the room looked up, blinking in shock.

The Emperor looked at her, taking in her disheveled state and her wide eyes. He knew she was the maid that stayed next to Aiko most of the time. He stepped forward, placing his hand on her shoulder. "What happened? Is everything alright?" Hisato asked, worry painting on his face.

The maid gasped for air, her age catching up with her. After she inhaled enough air, she shook her head. "Her Majesty...Birthing coming. Her Majesty...desires Your Majesty comes to the room," she finally managed to push out.

The Emperor blanched. His flower petal was giving birth right now. He didn't know what to do. His fingers felt numb and his body didn't want to move. A loud chuckle broke the tense silence. Many heads turned to find the face of the man. He was a young nobleman. His name was Keizo. He was quite annoying and everyone put up with him since his father was an amazing man.

Keizo adjusted his sleeves and leaned forward. "Sit back down, Your Majesty. It's just a woman giving birth, nothing too important," he grinned, sipping his tea.

A chill ran through the room. The men sitting next to Keizo scooted away, hands trembling. Everyone, except Keizo it seemed, knew how precious the Empress was to the Emperor.

Hisato's back stiffened. His hands trembled as he turned around; his eyes flashed. "'Just a woman?'" He repeated, his voice jarring. Keizo seemed to to realize what he had just said and opened his mouth to defend himself when Hisato grabbed a tea cup next to him and smashed it against the wall. "That woman is my Empress." He leaned forward, grabbing his kimono and yanking him closer. "If it weren't for my child being born today, I would murder you." Hisato spat in the other's face. "Be thankful I don't want to shed blood today. But maybe tomorrow," he added, his tongue slipping out of his mouth and wetting his lips. He pushed the other male back against the wall, standing up. "Take me to Aiko," he asked, worried but not insulting the maid.

Eriko nodded, rushing out of the room, followed by a terrified Emperor.

Aiko was screaming, her legs spread. The mid-wife was in between her legs, her hands near her. "Your Majesty, you need to start pushing!" She said, trying to persuade her.

Aiko shook her head, throwing it back when another slash of pain hit her."No!" She screeched, sweat sliding down the side of her face and plastering her dark hair to her skin. "I'm not starting without Hisato!" She repeated stubbornly again.

Lady Tachikaba looked at her, worried. She knew that the other woman wanted to wait, but she wasn't sure if it was safe for the baby. She had just been about to open her mouth, deciding she would perused Aiko as well, when the door burst open.

The Emperor barged through them, his face pale and his eyes wide. He scanned the room quickly, smiling softly when seeing Aiko. She stopped trembling, looking at him with a weak smile.

"Hisato," she whined softly, telling him to come closer.

"Of course, petal," he cooed, rushing to her side. He nodded his head at his cousin, glad Aiko hadn't been alone. He sat down on her other side, holding her hand. Aiko's hand was clammy, and was gripping his with an extreme strength, but he didn't mind. His eyes briefly passed over the room, grimacing at the simplicity of it.

Aiko looked at her husband, near her, smiling encouragingly. "You can do this, my little kitten," he said, taking the hair away from her face. Aiko nodded, feeling a new found vigor in her after his words.

"It's time to start pushing, Your Majesty," the morning-wife said, looking up at her. Aiko glanced at Lady Tachikaba, who squeezed her hand. She then looked at her husband. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to her dry lips.

Aiko pulled back, nodding shakily. "Let's get our baby out," she mumbled, her voice thin.

The mid-wife looked down, placing her hands on her thighs. "Push when you feel the contractions," she ordered.

Aiko nodded. Another contraction soon enveloped her, making her scream loudly and squeeze Hisato's hand. He didn't like it. He didn't like seeing the love of his life be in pain.

Aiko started pushing with all of her strength. It hurt. The burn was immense down there, making her see spots of white. She sweated more, a curse slipping out of her.

"Push harder!" The voice in between her legs ordered.

"I'm trying!" She hissed back, closing her eyes and pushing again. Tears pooled in her eyes, running down the sides of her face. Hisato dried them, hoping to be helpful.

"I can see it's head! Just one last push, Your Majesty!" She ordered, getting in the right position so she could catch the baby.

Aiko screamed loudly, crushing the Emperor's hand. Lady Tachikaba winced. She felt herself open wide down there, more than she ever should. The baby slipped out of her, along with a pool of blood staining the white futon. The mid-wife caught the baby, smiling when it's loud cries filled the room.

"It's a boy!" She cried, after a moment of silence. Everyone clapped and cheered, happy the new heir for the dynasty had been born. The Emperor looked at the baby, his eyes shining. "A boy?"

The mid-wife wrapped him in a silk towel and placed the new bundle of joy on the Empress' chest.
Aiko looked down, the Emperor doing the same.
He felt his heart melt at the sight of his first son.
"He's so pretty," he whispered, looking at him with eyes full of stars.

Aiko nodded, caressing his back. "He has your nose..."she giggled, tired but happy. The Emperor smiled, observing the little wailing baby who seemed to have very powerful lungs.

"He has the shape of your eyes," Hisato added, pressing kisses to her forehead. "I'm so proud of you, kitten," he mumbled in her ear, grabbing a linen cloth and drying her forehead. Aiko nodded, feeling the joy and exhaustion mix together.

She was about to ask if she could try and feed him since he was hungry, when another contraction hit her. This time stronger, and more painful.

She cried in pain, the baby wailing louder since his mother was feeling pain. The Emperor didn't know what was happening but took the baby in his arms, trying to calm him down. His eyes moved to Aiko, terrified.

The mid-wife got in her knees again, looking at her.
She gasped, covering her mouth in shock.

The Emperor froze, worried that something horrible was going to happen and that Aiko was going to die, leaving him alone with his first born. "What?! What's wrong?!" He called, rocking the baby quicker, hoping to calm him down.

Aiko looked down, pale and terrified.
"It seems...Your Majesty is pregnant with twins...the other baby is coming,"

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm already writing the next! I wanted to take a moment, to tell you all how amazing you are: keeping up with my irregular posting schedules and some chapters which are crappy. I want to thank you all so much for giving me 90k reads. I mean, I started this book out two years ago, simple and just a way to relax, but now, it's become so much more.  You guys are wonderful! Really! I love you all so much.

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