Chapter 11 // Fear And Evil

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The Emperor slapped her, his hand tingling. "No one has the right to insult me!" He roared, his eyes shimmering with anger. The Emperor wanted to remind her of her place: way below him. He was standing still, waiting for a reaction from the woman. His eyes glinted and his chest was rising quickly, his hand still raised in the air, close to his face, and a smug smile adorning his face. Aiko was still for a few tense moments before she collapsed, landing on the floor, unconscious.

The Emperor followed her body as it tumbled to the floor, his mind still not catching up with the current situation. The Emperor crouched down next to her, harshly gripping her shoulder. "Wake up," hissed, anger seeping in his tone. "You don't have the right to faint," the Emperor shook her. 

Aiko didn't respond, her body lolling sideways. "Aiko! I order you to wake up!" The Emperor rumbled, shaking her with more strength, wrinkling her kimono. A few hairs slipped out of her bun and landed delicately on her face. 

She wouldn't open her eyes no matter how hard he shook her. The Emperor realized and laid her down on the floor. 

 He rushed to the doors; he threw them open and grabbed the guard on the right. The Emperor yanked him towards him, his breath fanning the guard's face. The guard lowered his gaze, tightening his grip on the lance he was holding to stop the tremors that shook him.

The Emperor pulled him even closer. "If you don't get me a herbalist in three seconds or less, I will personally behead you. Understood?" He snarled.
The guard nodded shakily, gulping, his body quaking. The Emperor suddenly let go. The poor guard fell to the floor. He quickly scampered down the corridor, stumbling over his own feet.

The Emperor then turned to the guard on the left. "Get me the head maid,"He ordered, slightly calmer. 

The guard stiffened and then went to do as he was told, running off in the opposite direction. The Emperor slammed the doors shut behind him and walked to Aiko. He shook her once more, a bead of sweat sliding down his back. "What's wrong with her?" He thought. "I didn't hit her that hard."

Aiko's head hung limply to the side, her hair spilling around her beautiful face. The Emperor picked her up and started heading for the couch when he suddenly spun towards his bed. The Emperor laid her on it. Someone knocked on the doors, asking for permission to enter. He briefly glanced at them before he returned to Aiko. "Enter." He murmured. He didn't even try to hide his anger, even though he didn't know to whom it was directed to. An eunuch walked in; he bowed down.

"Your Majesty, the court has arrived. As well as your sister." He added, his eyes low. The Emperor suddenly felt cold spread over his body. His hand tightened its grip on Aiko. His eyes slowly darkened.

"My sister," He hissed under his breath. "What is she doing here? What does she want? Power probably. It's the only thing on her mind."" He thought darkly. He hadn't called her; they barely exchanged letters.

The eunuch spoke again. "Your Majesty, they do not want to wait."

The Emperor got up. He looked at Aiko one more time, his hand gripping his trousers. Something told him to stay seated next to her. The Emperor gritted his teeth and stormed out, a deep feeling of useless anger dripping inside of him.
He stomped further into the depths of the castle. His anger was not melting. It was rolling off him in waves. It was increasing by the second. His mask of cold fury made every servant he saw start shivering in fear of the wrath of their master.

He exhaled loudly as the doors of his throne room appeared in front of him. Thick and massive jade pillars rested, heavy and ponderous on the sides of the door. Deep crevices of white adorned the beautiful color. The doors were made with special oak wood that had been imported from Hanyang. The surface was decorated with beautiful hand carved decorations, representing various myths and gods. The handles were decorated with small drawings of swans swimming elegantly amongst lilies. He opened the doors, stepping inside.

The two massive doors slammed shut, making the room tremble. All the noise and chatter in the room ceased instantly.

The officials were on the two sides of the room, a clear pathway to the throne in between them. The officials had been chatting before the sudden entrance, but now they all bowed down. All the guards aligned near the walls bowed as well.
The Emperor had gotten used to this; he strolled to his throne. He passed in between the officials as they chanted the words of protocol, "Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Your Majesty!"

He ignored the monotone chorus and sat on the throne. The throne was simple but exerted power. It had a seat made of rich wood, as well as the armrests. The back was beautiful and intricate, created with pure gold pressed into thin sheets. It resembled the tree of life which had been the first living being in the whole universe. In front of the glimmering throne rested a small table with the corners dipped in gold. Various sheets of rice paper with careful words had been stacked on it, sent from every province of the empire complaining about something and asking for the Emperor's and the Royal Court's office's help.

He put his arm on the side of the throne and put his head in his hand. Even though he was raging with fury inside, he had a bored expression on his face. He didn't want deceitful people asking him what had angered him. "Prime Minister Bunta, I want to finish this meeting as soon as possible since I have other matters to attend to. Urgently." The Emperor fumed.

The Prime Minister Bunta, a man in his late forties, short grey hair, and wrinkly face, stood up. His gaze always lowered. "Your Majesty, there have been complaints from the east side-" The Emperor waved his hand to stop him.

"Before you continue saying anything, I need one of the maids here for a personal reason." He stated. Anger made his voice louder than he intended to.
At the moment the Emperor didn't care. He wasn't even looking at Akihfumi, who was sitting down in a small corner of the room. She had been forgotten in the past two days. Hoping to attract at least some scraps of attention, Akihfumi was sewing to pass her time. She patiently waited for the meeting to end so she could try and meet the Emperor. 

No maid in the room moved a muscle. The tension was palpable. The Emperor exhaled loudly.
"You," He said, pointing to a maid that was bowing down next to a random general.

The maid scooted forwards. "Yes, Your Majesty?" She asked. Her lips trembled. She was afraid that the Emperor would do something to her. Her heart started to beat louder.

"Go to my private chambers. If anything is said about the condition of the girl, you will run here and tell me. Understood?!" He said, his gaze pungent. The maid quaked, to the point that it seemed she was experiencing her own personal earthquake. She nodded. Questioning glances were exchanged silently in the room, trying to understand what was going on.

She started leaving the room when she bumped into a woman coming in. The poor maid bowed down, apologizing profusely,  but the lady said nothing. She just continued to walk to the throne room.

As she slipped further away from her, the maid dared to look up.  

The woman was wearing a light, pink kimono with green plant-like decorations. Her long black hair was tied in a loose ponytail. Gold headpieces gently swished as the lady walked.

Right before disappearing into the throne room, the lady turned around. Her eyes were dark as coal. The maid shivered in fear. Her eyes were soulless, the darkness in them devouring. Her nose was small and sharp. Her lips blood red. The women had an evil aura enveloping her that lapped around her lovingly, comfortably. Fear made the maid scuttle away.

Little did she know... that was the Emperor's sister.

(Credits to the rightful owner of the picture)

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