Chapter twelve

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Blair's pov:

I woke up at Alba's. I expected her to be all over me but she wasn't. She didn't even ask me what happened.

Dinner was quiet and awkward. We had spinach with chicken and blueberries. The whole meal Alba said nothing and neither did I.

Raven appeared once, he seemed to be checking on me. Making sure I didn't go crazy again.

River called to see if I was ok. I said I was fine, just tired. He didn't seem convinced.

Just before I went to go to my room Alba beckoned for me to follow her into her work room.

There was a two seated couch then a chair across from a coffee table in the middle. Dream catchers and other symbols hung in the windows and the tall cabinets on the West wall were full of herbs and other things I was unfamiliar with.

There was also a table with tubes and utensils for making things. The walls were a cream color with a wooden ceiling and a fan that hung down. A crystal ball was on the coffee table along with other things I had never seen before.  It was fascinating.

"Why did you bring me here Alba?" I asked.

"I brought you here nieta because I want to help you. I sensed the sprit presence inside you when you walked through the front door." She said.

*lie, tell her she's mistaken, Owen said.*

"I don't know what your taking about." I said.

"No?" Alba said.

"Maybe it was something else." I said.

"Are you sure? You did get pulled from school early, what happened?" Alba asked.

"I'm just tired and I have a lot of home work so I was stressed and I freaked out for a minute. Nothing to worry about, just stress." I said.

"To much stress can kill." Alba said.

"It's not that bad." I said.

"I guess I was mistaken then. It's very unusual but it happens to the best of right." Alba said.

"Yea, right." I said.

I began to walk to my dad's old bedroom when I turned around.

"Hey Alba." I said.

"Yes nieta?" Alba said.

"I was wondering if I could go to a party this Saturday." I said.

She looked unsure.

"River, Katrina, Danile and X will be there with me." I said.

"Where is this party?" Alba asked.

"The Cave off of The Main Street." I said.

"The Main Street is a dangerous place in Fallen Springs, not the most dangerous, but it's up there. I'm not sure it's a good idea." Alba said.

I should be relieved, I never wanted to go way were with Kade anyways. So why did I want to go now?

"It will fine, safety in numbers you know. Besides other people from school will be there." I said.

"Who is hosting this party?" Alba asked.

*don't tell her it's Kade's party!*

*how do you know about that, I asked?*

*im in your mind, he said.*

I sighed.

"Katrina's boyfriend, he seems nice enough." I said.

She lightened right up.

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