Chapter 22

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I don't have much to say today, but I can say;

Thank you and I love you all <3

Why did I react like that? Why all of a sudden did my mind go back to my whipping? I must have scared the living daylights out of Colt.


I undid the ball I was certainly curled in and slowly slid out of bed. A throbbing headache attacked the second I stood up.

My feet felt like heavy bricks and were impossible to move, I was stuck to the spot. My body was too weak to do a thing.

What's happening to me?

As if someone'd just stabbed me in the back with a knife I fell to my knees, gasping for air.

Every hit by his whip, every scream, every tear, his cruel laugh replayed in my mind.

I squeezed my eyes tight together and thought about everything else but that.

When I opened my eyes I glanced over at the clock, it showed 07:47am.

The early morning sun peeked through my slightly open curtains, telling me it's time to get up.

I should be asleep now and wake up later since I'm following Colt's routine.

He's most likely asleep since the sun's up.

I got up and shook off what just happened, and started dragging my bare feet on the floor over to my closet.

Quickly changing from my sweatpants to pj-shorts. I unhooked my bra and replaced my tank top with a thin, loose sweater.

I can't stand sleeping with my bra on, it's just uncomfortable and my girls deserves some time out too.

Making sure nothing was visible through my black sweater, I made my way into the hallway.

It was dead silenced. You could hear a needle get dropped on the floor.

Colt's door was slightly open and I brought my hand up to knock.

"Come in, love," I heard his sleepy voice from inside his room.

When I entered the room he was laying flat on his bed, one arm draped over his eyes.

"I forgot to close the curtains," he mumbled and lazily pointed at his open curtains.

The sun was shining through the window, lightening up every corner of his room.

I jogged over to the window and pulled the curtains together, but not before taking a few seconds to remember the view.

"Thank you," he sighed relived.

He sat up and looked at me; "How are you feeling?"

"Good," I nodded. "May I ask what really happened?"

He folded his hands behind his head and laid back down on his bed. "I was gonna rub your back because you were choking, but when I touched it you went into a state of shock," he explained. "I think."

I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my feet, shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

Right now I felt a bit uncomfortable just standing there looking at the floor.

"Come here."

I looked up to see him patting his thighs.

Slowly making my feet move I walked over to his king sized bed, got on all four and crawled over to him.

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