Chapter 25

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Long time no story! (So sorry!! :c)

Well now, here's chapter 25 for my lovelies <3


As expected we took the long, white limousine.

The gentlemen that they are let us girls get in first, so I let Cana and Amber in before me.

"Gwen, sit with me!" Cana pulled my arm when I got into the limousine.

It was.. Wow.

Since it's Colt's limo I didn't expect it to be many colors and I was right. Everything was in black, silver or white.

The the right side was the seats. They were of black leather with a white print on and they were actually pretty comfy too. The other side was full of drinks, glasses and little treats like chocolate in a bowl. It even had a little flatscreen in the corner.

This was incredible.

It must take about 10 plus people, it's so big on the inside.

Two seats were placed in the back and must be for the lovers who want to eat each other up.

Another pair of seats were placed beside the drinks, in front of mine and Cana's seats. Amber was opposite the bar thing. Colt and Nick sat down, Colt opposite of me. On purpose he stretched his legs on my side. So I put my heels on his toes and pushed down to use his feet to rest mine on, he chuckled lightly at my action.

The thing that surprised me the most was the pole in the front, a few seats beside me.

Colt chuckled when he noticed me staring at it. "It was a friend of mine's suggestion and I went along with it, but since he's dead now I'm gonna get it removed."

I raised my eyebrows in a questioning manner. "Aren't vampires supposed to be immortal?"

He nodded slightly to himself and sighed. It looked like he was deep in thought and his smile fell, same as for Nick. "Yeah, but not to hunters with special made weapons to kill us."

My mouth turned into an 'O' shape and I just nodded carefully. I didn't dare to say anything else in fear of saying something wrong.

"So..." I started, trying to find something else to talk about. I almost praised Amber for stepping in for me. "So what do you guys think? How do we look?"

She took my hand and intertwined our fingers, as if on cue Cana did the same to my other hand and smiled cutely up at me. I gladly returned it.

Nick was out of words for a few seconds maybe minutes before he answered. "I've seen you two in dresses before and every time you both look beautiful," he smiled at them. They giggled in return and Amber blew him kiss which he shrugged off with an eye roll.

"But Gwen," he smiled and looked between them, at me. "I found you pretty even in sweatpants and a t-shirt that was too big, but now you're seriously beautiful," he admitted and I saw the slighted shade of pink on his cheeks.

Colt nodded in agreement and smiled, but it defiantly didn't reach his eyes. It looked forced. If you covered his mouth it almost looked like he was scowling and the other way around, he looked completely fine.

He gave Nick a sideways glance before leaning back and looking out the black windows. Typical, nobody could see what's going on in here, but we can see the outside perfectly fine.

"Then what do you guys think about us?" Nick smirked, gesturing towards himself and Colt.

"Sexy," Amber answered with a wide grin on her lips. "Hot," I continued bluntly. "And really handsome," Cana finished.

A Vampire's Pet #1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora