Chapter 13: An Unsuspecting Emotion

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Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler, I only own my OC and any others that may join.

Shizuka P.O.V

After everyone got situated, Sebastian excused himself to make the Master and the guests some tea. I, on the other hand, made sure to keep myself hidden until Master Ciel deemed it necessary to introduce me. The lady in Red was known as Madam Red, even though I had never personally met her, I made sure to know everyone that mi-lord associated with. Madam Red was also Master Ciel's aunt, her doting attitude towards him spoke for itself.

The other person that was in the room was a Chinese man who name was Lau and from the information I had acquired he was the president of the British Branch of a Chinese trading company known as Knong-Rong; he was also a family friend of the Phantomhives.

So I stayed where I was, observing them all with calculating eyes, seeing beneath all the illusion's and masks that they had set in place. Humans where indeed fascinating creatures; the way that they all had inner personas that laid just beneath the surface, waiting for the chance to come out.

Not long after he had left, Sebastian returned with a cart full of goodies and of course, the ever sought after tea. I then decided to busy myself with helping Sebastian take care of the guests. So I silently put the arrangement of treats in the center of the table, while Sebastian poured the tea and only then did I feel three pairs of eyes watching me.

I raised my eyes to the first pair and came face to face with Madam Red looking at me with hearts in her eyes.

"Who is this darling little girl!? Look how small she is!!!! The small body structure, the delicate hands! Please allow me to examine you!" This was all said with such passion and for some odd reason every time she pointed out something about my person, I could have sworn I seen arrows pointing to them; as if to further point them out for some sort of audience. Of course that must of been my imagination running wild.

After I got over my inner musing which was over in just a blink of an eye, I gave Madam Red my signature closed eye smile "Hello, My name is Shizuka, I am a new employee of the Phantomhive household. Its a Pleasure to meet you." I gave a small bow in respect and recieved a squeal of delight.

"Ciel, where did you find such a lovely girl! You know what, lets make a deal! Give me Shizuka and you can have Grell. Its a marvelous idea if I do say so myself." Madam Red was inching closer with each word to master Ciels face and I had to hold myself back from laughing due to Milords failed attempts to distance himself from her.

Ciel just looked at her with his cold blue eye with a slight glare, rubbing his temples in exasperation. "Madam Red, I have no need for the useless butler that you have, so the answer is no. You can not have Shizuka, that is final." Did I just hint a touch of possessiveness in my masters voice? I turned slightly to Sebastian and caught his eye. He instantly read the question in my indigo blue ones and smirked that devilish smirk. His answer came floating into my mind soft as a summer breeze "It would seem that the young master does not like to share his toys."

I let out a small giggle, it would seem our master still had some child like qualities, it was adorable to say the least. After that little situation occurred I was formally introduced to Madam Red and Lau. Lau of course trying to molest Master Ciel, with the interruption of Madam Red. He even tried to catch me in a not so innocent hug to which I invaded gracefully. I made sure to stay beside the young master at all times after that insident. The group of people he associated with were indeed interesting people.

As I was standing beside Master Ciel, I noticed him giving some kind of signal to Sebastian. In a matter of seconds I found myself sited in a chair beside Master Ciel with a lemon tart set infront of me, accompanied by a cup of Jasmine tea. I blinked my eyes in shock and turned to look at the young Lord. He merely glance at me sipping his drink slowly. "I heard from Sebastian that you have a sweet tooth." He then proceeded to look away from me, ignoring my presents. But I know for certain that I seen a delicate blush on those pale cheeks.

My heart fluttered with a foreign emotion, never in my existence had I felt such warmth flow through me. I gave a small smile and proceeded to eat my unsuspected treat. Who knew a lemon tart could taste so good?


Hello everyone! I hope everyone likes this chapter; it was really fun to write! Make sure to vote, comment and follow!

Ta~Ta for now,


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