Chapter 17: Master Ciel is Wearing a Dress

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Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler, I only own my OC and any others that may join. I also don't own any pictures or videos.

Shizuka's POV

After we got back from visiting Undertaker, Madame Red came up with an 'ingenious' plan. I just found it absolutely hilarious, Master Ciel didn't even know about it yet.

Once Master Ciel found out about the plan, he was not a happy Earl.

"Why do I have to dress like a woman?! Shizuka can play the role perfectly." I just nodded in agreement, I could act as bait for Lord Druitt, it would be no problem at all. But apparently Madame Red thought differently "She can not, she is too small!! That man could easily overpower her and hurt her. Do you want that to happen?" Everyone was silent, even though Master Ciel knew I was not human, I could have sworn I seen a hint of worry on his face. He shook his head at Madame Red's question. This made her continue "If you act as bait, you can keep track of what he is doing, plus you will have us as back up."

It seems Madame Red convinced Master Ciel to go along with the plan. He would pose as a girl and go to Lord Druitt's Party, he would go as Madame Red's young niece and Sebastian would be his tutor. Of course I wanted to be involved in this wonderful plan. "How will I be involved in this plan?" Madame Red contemplated that question and then her face brightened up "I know exactly what you can do, but it's a secret. Let's get ready!"

The rest was just a blur of Master Ciel being dragged against his will into a room, Madame Red was getting him ready so he was subjected to the awful torture of a corset. I despise corsets, humans should have never invented them. I just sat in a chair, watching Madame Red fiddle with the dress he would be wearing. It was a beautiful gown that was a light pink with black lace details. Once she deemed everything perfect she turned to him with a very sinister smile. "Are you ready to become beautiful?" I must say Lord Ciel looked like he wanted to run far away. I just giggled at his pale face, it also didn't help that he was in woman's underwear.

I guess he forgot I was in the room because once he heard my giggle his head snapped to where I was. His face went from deathly pale to tomato red.
"Shizuka! Uh how long have you been there?" I just tilted my head to the side "Since the very beginning Master Ciel" He looked like he was going to pass out, I never knew a human could become so red.

He turned to face Madame Red with a fierce glare "Why did you let her in here?" I wrinkled my eyebrows "I'm sorry Master Ciel, I did not know I wasn't allowed to be in here." He looked back to me "No, it's not your fault. I'm just uncomfortable at the moment." I nodded in understanding and gave him a reassuring smile "I understand, I'll go help Sebastian get ready." I got up and exited the room and went on a little journey to find Sebastian.

I followed his signature to a room located in the west wing. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer, I didn't have to wait long before Sebastian opened the door. He looked down at me and gave me that annoying smirk. "Hello lady Shizuka, may I help you?" I just looked him in the eyes "I'm here to help you get ready, I have nothing better to do." I glided into his room, taking a sit in one of the chairs. He just closed the door behind him and made his way over to were I was. "Thank you for your consideration Lady Shizuka." I just nodded absently "Yes, well go ahead and get changed." He nodded and went off to do just that.

I just waited until he was finished which wasn't very long. He was wearing dark dress pants with a white dress shirt with a black vest, his over coat was a nice shade of gray. He looked very dashing but something was missing. I glanced around the room and found a pair of wire rimmed glasses. I walked over and picked them up and released my wings. I fluttered up into the air and flew over to were Sebastian was. I hovered in front of him so that we were face to face. My antennas twitched ever so slightly, getting used to being released. I gently placed the glasses on his face and then gave him a closed eye smile. "You look quite dashing Sebastian."

He was just looking at my wings when his eyes moved to meet my indigo ones "Why thank you Lady Shizuka."

"Your quite welcome. Now, why don't we go check on how Master Ciel is doing?" He nodded and gave an amused smirk.

I just fluttered back to the ground and put my wings and antennas back into hiding. "Let's go."

We both exited the room and walked to where Master Ciel was being held hostage. We were about to knock on the door when Madame Red came bursting out. "Oh! Good you two are here. I would like you to see the new and improved Ciel Phantomhive." She moved out of the way and right behind her was a girl.

She had the same hair color as Ciel, but hers was pulled up into two ponytails with a cute hat head piece. She was wearing the pale pink ball gown with black lace details and a pair of low heels. She looked stunning; who knew Master Ciel would look good in a dress.

He looked very uncomfortable and was fiddling with a piece of his attire, I could feel the amusement radiating off of Sebastian and knew he was loving every minute of this. I just smiled "You look beautiful Master Ciel." He just grimaced, I walked up to him and met his gaze. "It's really honorable for you to do this Master Ciel." My soft voice was full of admiration.

This seemed to make him feel better because he stood up straighter and seemed to harden his resolve. Madame Red then chose that moment to start speaking, "Alright, Ciel and Sebastian are ready, its now your turn Shizuka." I was skeptical on what she was going to do to me but I just went along with it.

She pulled me into a room that was already prepared with my outfit for Lord Druitt's ball. Once I saw what I was going to wear, everything clicked into place. The outfit consisted of a white uniform, there was gold buttons going down the front and the shoes were military style boots. The style was very familiar because this uniform was from Japan.

I looked at Madame Red "I'm assuming I am going to the ball as a young man?" She nodded "You will be Ciel's Japanese guard, you won't be expected to speak and you can keep an eye on Ciel"

I had to give it to Madame Red, she thought this through, plus I didn't really mind wearing mens clothes, they were comfortable. "Alright, lets get you dressed!" Her eyes were glowing and she walked toward me like I was a life sized dress up doll. I just sweat dropped "I can dress myself Madame Red, just give me a moment please." She seemed disappointed but moved away from me. I quickly got dressed in the uniform, making sure everything was perfect. Madame Red just squealed, saying over and over again how cute I was as a boy. I just smiled an amusement and allowed her to fix my short hair in more of a male style.

Once everything was in place she handed me a katana, she simply stated that it 'made it more believable.' I was quite pleased to have it so I didn't question her decision. I looked into the mirror that was situated on the wall and looking back at me was a young Japanese male in a white uniform, it didn't matter that I was short, most English people assumed that all Japanese people were. (The picture provided is what she looks like)

I turned back to Madame Red and gave her a closed eye smile "Well this should be fun."


Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and yes her male version looks like Japan off of Hetalia.The reason for this is because a lot of you said that she reminded you of him, so natural I had to add it into the story.

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Ta~Ta For Now


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