Chapter 4

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(Y/N P.O.V)
Beep, beep, beep, beep

I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock and rolled over, starting to fall asleep again.

"Good morning, (y/n)"

My head whipped over to look at Connor who was standing beside my bed. He was looking down at me with a slight head tilt.

I looked at him for a few seconds, before shoving my face back into my pillows and pulling my blanket higher up.

"I'm not getting up"

"You're needed at the station. The interrogation is taking place today"

I didn't say anything, hoping he would just go away. Sadly, it didn't work.

"Detective (y/n), if you don't get up I'll need to physically remove you from the bed"

After a few minutes of silence, the blanket was thrown off of me, and I felt hands under my armpits. Suddenly, I was lifted out of bed.

"Connor! Put me down!" He set me down and I shivered when my feet made contact with the cold floor.

"Good morning, (y/n)" he repeated as I glared at him.

"Get out. I need to change" I pointed to the door and he nodded.

Once he shut the door, I let out a sigh. I slowly walked over to my closet and picked out an outfit.

I did my usual morning routine, noticing my armpits were now sore from where Connor had lifted me. That android has a death grip.

I opened my bedroom door once I was finished getting ready, Connor was standing outside patiently waiting. It looked like he hasn't moved since I kicked him out of my room.

I walked to the front door and slipped some shoes on, noticing Connor was giving me a look.


"Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"Nah, I usually don't. I never have time anyway"

"It would benefit you, it might even make you less irritable and less tired" my eyes widened.

"Jesus, you're mean in the morning" he tilted his head again.

"How so?"

"Never mind, let's go"

Locking the door behind us, I hopped into my car. Connor got into the passenger seat and watched as I started the car. Like Hank, I had an older car. I preferred to drive my own car rather than it drive itself.

"It's way too early to be interrogating someone. They should've waited until the afternoon"

Connor didn't say anything, instead, he looked out of the window. The sun shined in, making his brown eyes sparkle.

It wasn't a very long drive, we probably could've walked if we weren't running late.

We went straight to the interrogation room, Hank was already in there trying to talk to the deviant.

"Hey, (y/n)" Gavin greeted as we stepped into the room. I noticed he glared at Connor.

Gavin has been my friend since I started working at the DPD, he's usually nice to me but he will never stop being an asshole. He wore his usual outfit, a jacket, hoodie and jeans, his brown hair looked slightly messed up, and his blue eyes were tired.

"Hey" I smiled at him.

"Hello Detective Reed" Connor greeted. Gavin rolled his eyes and ignored him.

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