Chapter 5

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(Y/N P.O.V)
I sat down at my desk and quickly checked the time on my phone, it was already 11 A.M. I gently laid my head down on my desk, sighing softly.

Hank had disappeared after the interrogation, and I had no idea where Connor went. It crossed my mind that he may have gotten lost, but I'm sure he'd be able to find his way.

I stood up from my desk, making my way to the break room. I was hoping nobody else would be in there, but of course, Gavin and Officer Tina Chen were sitting at one of the tables.

I haven't spoken much to Officer Tina, but she seemed like a nice person. She had piercing green eyes and black hair that was usually tied up.

"Hey, (y/n)" Gavin walked over to me with a small smile on his face. "I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to point my gun at you. That fuckin' deviant just got on my nerves." he looked down at his feet, actually seeming guilty.

I wasn't sure if Gavin could even feel guilt, but it did sound sincere.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. You should probably apologize to Connor too" he didn't say anything, so I turned away from him.

I walked over to the coffee machine but Gavin beat me to it.

"I'll make you some coffee" he smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Careful, wouldn't want you to break a fingernail" I smirked at him and he playfully glared.

Gavin was a pleasant person without his awful attitude. It made times like these enjoyable. We can actually talk and laugh without him bitching about something.

I reach up onto a shelf for a cup and winced in pain when I raised my arm. Gavin raised an eyebrow at me as I passed him the cup for the coffee.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's actually a funny story, Connor had to-"

"Did he hurt you?? I swear I'll kill him"

"No, no! God, no. He had to lift me outta bed this morning because I wouldn't get up" I laughed a bit, realizing how hard it is to get me up in the mornings.

"Why was he in your house?" He questioned as he passed me my coffee.

We sat down at a table, officer Tina was now gone.

"He didn't have anywhere else to go, so I offered the spare room in my house." I shrugged as I sipped my coffee.

"Should've left him in the streets"

"Unlike you, I'm a decent human. I actually care about people and androids"

"Speaking of androids, here comes one now" I looked up from my coffee as Connor walked into the break room.

He looked at me and Gavin sitting together for a few moments before waking over and awkwardly standing in front of the table.

"Hey, Connor. I hope you didn't get lost" I smiled and he shook his head

I knew he probably wouldn't be able to get lost, he most likely had the layout of the station in his programming.

"No, I was attempting to get Lieutenant Anderson to stay in the station. He insisted that he had somewhere more important to be"

Somewhere more important probably meant a bar. I couldn't really blame him, after that interrogation a drink doesn't sound too bad now.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon. You can wait with us for now" I motioned to the seat across from me and he sat down.

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