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" let's play truth or dare ! "

KISS & TELL" let's play truth or dare ! "EPISODE THREE; CHAPTER ONE

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RORY AND HANNAH hadn't spoken in weeks, so Hannah wasn't sure she was the first person she turned to when she needed to share the events of last night with someone. Her and Jessica weren't exactly on good terms after she had been slapped in Monet's, so naturally, Rory was the only one left, apart from Clay.

"Hey..." Hannah drew out as she approached Rory, who was stood next to her empty locker, applying a dark cranberry shade of lipstick to her lips in a glittery mirror. The blonde girl didn't look up but she hummed half heartedly with her mouth wide to show she acknowledged her presence. "I wanted to talk to you about something that happened last night." Hannah paused for a second to see if Rory would respond. Unsurprisingly, she didn't. "I think I might have a stalker."

Rory's eyebrows raised as she set the mirror back into her pocket. Her freshly painted lips were still slightly agape. "Seriously?" She asked. "You don't talk to me for 3 weeks and then come out with this one?" Hannah was confused about her reaction.

"No... I'm telling the truth." She replied, lowering the voice and moving closer to Rory. "I was getting changed after work and I heard a camera clicking from outside my window."

"Bible?" Rory asked as she linked arms with Hannah, indicating that she was beginning to reform their friendship.

"I'm not kidding. It's creepy as hell." She said as she walked beside her friend, finding comfort in her presence for once.

"Well, let's catch this motherfucker."

With that last statement, Rory left Hannah in the corridor and ran off towards Zach, who was obviously waiting for her. They embraced and he kissed her forehead before they walked into one f the many class rooms. Hannah sighed contently, as she was happy she had someone to talk to about the whole thing.

It was 9.30 when Hannah heard a knock on her front door. She had texted Rory to arrive at 7 as that was when her parents were due to leave, but she had yet to inform her that Courtney was also sleeping over. Hannah was upstairs when she head the knock, and she stumbled down the stairs eagerly, her slightly tipsy side taking over.

"Rory, finally!" She said as she pulled her inside. Rory wasn't used to Hannah being so eager, and she could tell by the sheer smell of the small porch that alcohol had been previously consumed.

"Either you're party has a pretty shit showing or you've invited someone else other than me to catch some crazy old dude." Rory said as she unbuckled her heels and laid her coat on the arm of the couch by her side.

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