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"Be careful, Monse!" I groaned while tugging my braid out of her hand. "You wanted me to take your hair out! I can't help it that you're tender headed." I rolled my eyes as she continued to aggressively unbraid my box braids.

"So.. what's with you and Ces?" I queried while wiggling my eyebrows. She shrugged unbothered. "I don't know what you're talking about, Sin. We're just friends."

"Friends, my ass!" I shrieked. "Language!" She coaxed, mocking my father in his absence.

"Enough with me. What's up with Spooky? I heard he was thinking about claiming you.." I turned around, accidentally yanking the braid she was working on out of her hand. "What?! Who told you that?" I questioned in absolute disbelief. "I heard it on the streets.. but Cesar told me that Spooky doesn't claim. He said that he doesn't want a 'hyena' at this time around." She elaborated. "It's hyna, Monse. Not hyena." I mocked, a playful grin tugging at the corner my mouth.

"Shut up." She hissed, intentionally yanking on a braid. I hissed, before turning back around and pouting, not knowing what to think about the situation.

"He's got you whipped!" She jeered loudly.

I opened my mouth to protest but she quickly cut me off. "Nah-uh. Don't even start. If I told you this two weeks ago you would storm into his house and smack him.. but ever since you two have been spending quite a lot of time together these past three weeks.."

"Shut up!" I retorted. She laughed, continuing to take my braids out.

Was he really about to claim me? If he did.. God knows that — that would be the last time that somebody would ever see him. I was nobody's property.

"I'm done! Now get your tender headed ass out of my room." She teased as she pushed me into the hall. I playfully pushed her back. Our moment of childishness quickly faded when we saw our father step into the house. He lazily held his arm around his stomach. His eye was beaten black and blue. He muttered something under his breath before dropping to his knees. Monse and I rushed to his side. "Dad! Are you okay?!" I questioned while panic slowly submitted itself into my consciousness.

He muttered something again. This time I could hear it faintly. "S-Santos.."

My heart dropped as soon as I heard it. Of course it was him! Oscar would never 'put a target on my back' and all of the sudden act nice. That wasn't him at all, and I couldn't believe that I almost fell for it. "Sin, his breathing is fading!" Monse panicked while tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Lay him on the couch! I'll be right back." I ran to the bathroom to find the First Aid kit. I opened the cabinets, my heart pounding hard in my chest and my hands shaking. The distant crying of Monse faded away. The only sound that I was able to hear was my heartbeat. I blinked a few times making the tears fall down. I inhaled and exhaled. I had to focus. I couldn't freak out right now. They both needed me.

The Santos were known for killing people with just their own hands. Beating them to death, torturing them etc. I couldn't help but to think about what they all did to my poor father. He was made a target by a stupid, stupid mistake I made. I found the kit in the last cabinet. I grabbed it and ran back. "He's dead, isn't he?!" Monse cried as she stared at my father's motionless body. "He is going to be okay, Mo. Just calm down.." I comforted the teenager yet, panic coursed through my veins.

Her head snapped back into my direction. "Calm down!? Spooky did this because of what you did! You can never think! You always do harm. You always bring burdens on this family! Your name suits you, Sin!" I felt my heart scatter in a million pieces. I gulped, trying to hold back the flood of tears back. I loomed over my father's limp body and pressed two fingers against his neck to check a pulse. "He's still breathing. It's okay." I stated as my voice broke faintly.

I opened the kit and knelt beside him. His left eye was so swollen that he probably couldn't even see through that eye if he would awake. I patted his bloody face clean. Monse and I sat in silence as we watched every rise and fall of his chest, signaling that he was breathing.

The ones who were involved in this crime, would pay. Oscar Diaz would be the last one I'd punish. You know what they say.. you got to save the best for last.

Guard up, Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now