Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

(2 Years Later)

"Come on Sally, let's go to the mall, please. I need to buy clothes, I don't have any clothes." My best friend, Maryam whines.

I burst out laughing, "You don't have clothes? What are you wearing now?"

"Ugh you know what I mean, come on let's go. I want to get a new dress for Sarah's wedding." And she drags me to my car, with her getting into MY driver's seat. I just rolled my eyes and got in the passenger seat.

My life was pretty much back to normal now. I am 22 years old, and just living my young, single life. I don't see a possibility of getting married again since I can't provide children, but I think of it as a blessing in disguise, because now I can continue my education, and finish my Masters, and get a Ph.D. without having to take care of a family.

We pulled up into the parking lot of the mall, and it was packed. Just as we parked our car, very far away from the entrance, a black Rolls Royce pulled up into the parking spot next to us. Damn, rich people. I didn't see who was inside since the windows were tinted, but not that I cared anyway. Maryam and I got out of my car, and she threw me my keys.

One of the guys got out of the Rolls Royce and yelled Maryam's name.

"Omar? Is that you?" Maryam asks the guy.

"Damn right it is! How are you?" Omar asks.

"I'm doing good, thank you! It's been a while since I last saw you! Omar, this is my best friend, Salma," she then turns to me, "Omar is an old, childhood family friend of mine." Oh, so that's how they know each other.

"We're here to get a gift for Ahmed and Sarah's wedding. It's about time those two got married. Everyone knew they were in love with each other." Omar says.

"Who's 'we'?" I ask Omar, as I see only Omar in front of me.

"Oh right, where is Musa. Yo, Musa, get out of the car!" Omar yells to the car.

Shit, I wish I never asked. It is no one other than Musa Ali walking out of the driver's seat of the black Rolls Royce. Maryam has wide eyes as she looks at Musa then at me, then back at Musa, then back at me.

"Salma." Musa acknowledges me.

"Musa." I do the same thing back.

"I'm confused, you guys know each other?" Omar asks, pointing at the two of us back and forth.

"Ex-husband," I turn to Maryam and say, "come on, let's go into the mall, and stop wasting time." Clearly wanting to get out of here.

"Maryam, Omar, you guys go ahead. I'd like to talk to Salma alone." Musa speaks from behind. Maryam gives me a look asking if I'll be fine. I nod at her and stay behind with Musa.

"What do you want, Ali?" I turn to look at him, with my arms crossed.

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? Honey, you're two years too late. What are you even sorry for? Divorcing me? You said it yourself, you married me to have kids, but I can't even have kids."

"I'm sorry for saying it was your fault. I know it wasn't your fault. I was grieving the loss of our baby. I also, shouldn't have left you in the hospital like that."

"Yeah, you shouldn't have. That was the worst thing anyone can do."

"I know, Sally. Look, can we just be friends again?"

"Uhhh, no. Look, first of all, I was very hurt by your actions. I was grieving too, Musa, heck, I'm the one who can't be a Mom anymore, I was grieving about that too. You could just easily walk out. You took the easy way out of this by divorcing me right away. I have to live with the fact that I can't have kids for my entire life. Second of all, you're my EX- husband, we were married, you've seen me naked, it would be awkward being friends. I am very happy without you in my life, so you don't get to call me Sally."

And with that, I walk away, and head into the mall, joining Maryam. 


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