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"Do I really need to do this?" Veronica complained as she stood outside in her gym clothes alongside Ethan and Aiden, "Do I really have to be on the cross country team?"

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"Do I really need to do this?" Veronica complained as she stood outside in her gym clothes alongside Ethan and Aiden, "Do I really have to be on the cross country team?"

  Ethan sighed, "If you're worried about being out, sorry to break it to you, Ronnie, but you've already been found out, so have we." He told her annoyed.

  The three teenagers walked up to Isaac Lahey, who was kneeling on the ground as he tied his shoe. Immediately noticing their presence, he looked up at them to see them smirking. Coach Finstock blew his whistle and all three teenage alphas began to run as fast as they could, Isaac soon chasing after them. Aiden, Ethan, and Veronica noticed that they were being chased, but didn't care much.

   Veronica, who was in the lead, turned a corner to lose Isaac with the twins following soon after her. When the beta werewolf turned, he found nobody there. He glanced around, only to be suddenly pushed by Veronica. Isaac ended up falling, rolling down the hill.

      "Get him, boys." Veronica insisted, watching in amusement as the twin alphas walked over to Isaac.

   They pinned Isaac's arms to his back as they lifted him up, "Ethan, Ronnie, I always forget, how many bones in the human body?" He asked, a smirk on his face.

   "I don't know," Ethan replied, "Let's count."

      Just as Ethan was about to attack Isaac, Scott then appeared, punching Ethan in the jaw, "That's one," He commented, angering all three alphas.

   Isaac got to his feet as Ethan snapped his jaw back into place. Veronica growled angrily, her red eyes glowing. She flicked her hands, letting her claws grow. both Isaac and Scott's eyes glowed and had their fangs bared, ready to fight the three alphas. Scott slightly frowned when he saw Veronica's claws were different than anyone else's he had ever seen, they were more animal like than theirs.

  "You really wanna take us on?" Veronica spoke up loudly, "You'll be making a great mistake if you think you can actually beat us. You can't."

  Just as the two beta werewolves were about to attack, a scream was heard, gaining the group of five's attention. All five werewolves made their way over to the scene to see everyone gathered around a dead body that was pinned to a tree.

   Veronica's eyes widened at the horrific sight, "What the hell?" She muttered quietly, "Who did this?"


  Later on that day at school, Aiden, Ethan, and Veronica, the alpha trio, stood in the school hallway. Veronica smirked when she saw Isaac exit his classroom.

     He went to walk over to them, only to stop when Aiden swung a punch to his brother's face while his eyes were still locked on Isaac. Veronica grinned, punching Ethan also. He fell against the lockers, using all the strength he had to push himself back up. Aiden punched his brother again, causing the male to fall to the floor as blood dripped down on the floor from his mouth.

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