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"Thanks for letting me stay at your place," Kira thanked Veronica as they both entered her large bedroom, "I just didn't want to go home yet, to be honest. I feel like I don't even know my parents anymore. Have you ever felt that way?"

Veronica couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she plopped down on her bed, "I was both a mommy and daddy's little girl growing up. I was the apple of my father's eye. When my mother died, who I thought was killed by my father, my dad changed into a whole different person. It felt like I didn't even know him," Veronica confessed.

Noticing the sympathetic look Kira was giving her, Veronica was quick to change the subject. She got up from her seat on the bed and walked over to her dresser, opening up the top drawer once getting there, "I can loan you T-shirt if you want." Veronica offered and Kira slowly nodded, walking over to Veronica.

"Aren't these guy's t-shirts?" Kira questioned her curiously.

Veronica smiled and nodded, "Yeah, they are. They're comfy to sleep in. Last month when I went shopping with the twins, I ended up getting a few." She explained as she handed Kira a shirt. Kira smiled slightly as Veronica turned around, covering her eyes with her hands, "I won't look, I promise." Veronica promised her with a grin on her face.

After she changed, Veronica walked over to the bed and threw the extra pillows she had on the ground, "You can take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor." Veronica told her and Kira didn't bother to argue with her, knowing the Veronica would most definitely win.

As Veronica made herself a small bed on the ground, Kira slid to the edge of the bed to see Veronica didn't look too comfortable on the floor. Her eyes were closed but it was clear she wasn't asleep yet, not even close to it, "Veronica?" Kira spoke up, causing Veronica to open her eyes to look up at Kira, who was staring down at her.

"Yes?" Veronica replied curiously.

"I don't want you to have to sleep on the floor," Kira stated and Veronica sighed.

"It's fine, I've slept on the floor numerous times before." Veronica retorted as she closed her eyes.

"Please, don't sleep on the floor and come sleep on the bed with me," Kira begged, a small smile appearing on her lips.

Veronica nodded her head as she got up from the floor and laid on the empty side of her queen-sized bed. Veronica laid on her side so she could face Kira, who was also lying on her side. Veronica sent Kira a small smile as the only sound she could hear was their breathing and Kira's fast heartbeat, she was clearly nervous.

They kept staring at each other, silence between them. With her werewolf hearing, Veronica could hear Aiden in the room next door to hers, "Just kiss her. You know you want her, not Lydia. Lydia was merely something you wanted because you couldn't actually have her. She was just the forbidden fruit, Kira's different for you, I'm telling you." Aiden explained to her, knowing that Veronica would hear.

Veronica couldn't help but smile at Aiden's words, which Kira clearly noticed, "What?" She asked curiously, "What is it?"

"This," Veronica whispered to her as she quickly leaned forward and pressed her lips against Kira's. It was soft, unlike the ones Veronica had had with Lydia, those were more rough.

After a moment, Veronica pulled away and smiled at Kira, their faces mere centimeters apart from each other. Kira turned her body around, allowing Veronica to wrap her arm around her and spoon her.

Veronica held Kira's hand in hers as she wrapped her arm around her, their bodies touching. Soon enough, the two girls fell asleep in each other's arms without a single worry in their mind.


Once Lydia and Aiden had found Scott, they ended up bringing him to Scott's house, where Scott, Deaton, Melissa, and Veronica were already at.

After hearing what sounded threatening to their brother, Ethan, both Aiden and Veronica rushed to the school, which was where the Nogitsune had said he was at.

Ethan and Danny exited the boy's locker room together, both of them smiling, "So, can I tell Coach you're trying out for the team?" Danny asked Ethan curiously.

"I'll think about it," Ethan replied with a small smile.

Danny grinned as he began to walk away, "Sounds like a yes to me."

After Danny had left, Ethan could feel the presence of both his brother and sister behind him. Annoyed, he dropped his bag to the ground and didn't even bother to turn and face him, "What?" He asked them annoyed.

"Trying out for the team?" Aiden questioned curiously, sounding a bit mad.

"Why not?" Ethan retorted, clearly already annoyed with them, especially Aiden.

As Ethan turned around to face them, both Veronica and Aiden walked toward their brother, "Your dumbass has no idea what's going on right now, do you? Do you!" Veronica asked him angrily.

"Why should I care?" Ethan argued with him, "Scott's never going to trust Aiden and I anyway? You see the way he looks at us? Like dogs that bit the neighbor. One more little incident and he's either going to let the two of us go or put us down. But of course, he'll keep sweet, innocent Veronica because she has his wrapped around her little finger. He trusts her."

"You know, Ethan, I'm starting to think the same thing about you," Aiden told his brother, referring to him saying about letting them go or putting them down. Aiden smiled as he let out his claws.

"See? That's what I'm talking about." Ethan stated, "Ronnie and I would probably be in his pack by now if it wasn't for our psychotic brother. The one who has to kill everything in sight. At least Ronnie does it in secret. She killed Kincaid and nobody ever found out."

"Careful, Ethan," Veronica smirked as she and Aiden began to circle their brother, "Don't go adding me into this. You and I both know that the only thing in Aiden's sight is you. He would never kill me because we're alike."

At the same time, both Veronica and Aiden growled at their brother. Ethan became half turned, just as his brother and sister did. Ethan lunged forward and grabbed Aiden by the throat. Veronica went to go pull Ethan off of Aiden, only to have all three of them be electrocuted.

All at once, the three teenagers fell on the ground after being shot with electricity by Isaac. Isaac rested his gun on his shoulders as he walked over to the three werewolves, "I guess this is the part where I say something witty," he remarked before he hit the three of them with the but of the gun, knocking them unconscious, "I'm not witty."


Veronica had woken up at the same time as Aiden and Ethan to find that Kira and Allison had locked themselves in Coach's office as the trio began to fight Isaac, "Was that a good idea?" Kira asked Allison.

Allison shook her head, "Definitely not. Veronica's an alpha. She can kill them easily."

Isaac turned to face the twins and Veronica, who growled at him. Suddenly, Veronica had used her super strength to throw Isaac across the room. She then walked over to Ethan and grabbed him by the neck and threw him into the door, which caused the glass to shatter.

As she glowed her red eyes, Veronica roared, sounding through the whole entire school.


Soon after, Allison and Kira entered the locker room and was trying their hardest to stop the four werewolves and stay alive, too. Kira stood in front of Veronica and swung her sword, which Veronica quickly dodged, "Veronica, it's me Kira. You gotta snap out of this," Kira tried to say to her, but Veronica had responded with a growl, "Or not."

"Allison!" Kira shouted as she tossed her sword to Allison while Kira took her crossbow.

Suddenly, Veronica, the twins, and Isaac dropped to the ground, leaving Allison and Kira deeply confused.


AN: Yayyyy Kira and Veronica kissed. If I haven't said it already, Kira will be the main love interest in season four and then in season 5 and 6 it will be Scott

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