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  Veronica glided through the woods on all fours at top speed, chasing after the werecoyote. It was a fast one for sure, Veronica thought.

   After she began to chase after the animal, Scott followed soon after, trying to catch up to Veronica before she did something that they all may regret later on. Scott knew what with the way Veronica ran after it without hesitation that it was must have been more than just some regular coyote. It had to be more than that.

  Even with his newfound Alpha strength and speed, Scott was no match for Veronica, who was faster than any werewolf or supernatural creature than he had ever seen before. More so when she was in full wolf form.

Veronica's eyes glowed red as she got closer to the person in their coyote form. As they came up to a cliff, the coyote jumped across to the other side.

  Scott soon caught up with Veronica, both of them jumping across together. Veronica ended up landing on the ground face to face with the coyote. It snarled at her, causing Veronica to lowly growl. Both Scott and Veronica glowed their alpha red eyes, which made the coyote's snarls and growls die down a bit.

 Scott's eyes widened in shock when the coyote's eyes glowed an icy cold blue. Veronica, on the other hand, wasn't at all shocked, "Malia?" Scott asked shocked.

  Both Scott and Veronica watched as Malia ran off in coyote form, leaving Scott completely shocked.


As they began to walk back, Veronica turned back into human form. Scott quickly gave her his jacket, seeing as Veronica's jacket was in Stiles's.

   Scott and Veronica had just jumped over yet another fallen tree when Veronica's chest ended up colliding with someone else's. She sighed dramatically when she saw that it was only Stiles. As Stiles shined his flashlight at Scott, both boys screamed out and Scott covered his eyes from the bright flashlight.

  "Oh." Stiles spoke up, coming to a realization that it was only Scott and Veronica, "I think I found something." Stiles informed his friend and Veronica.

 "So did we," Scott replied, quickly glancing over at Veronica, who nodded her head in agreement to what he had said.


    Scott and Veronica followed Stiles through the woods until the human boy stopped at what Veronica presumed to be a coyote den. As Stiles and Scott made their way in, Veronica stood outside of it, knowing better to enter the animal's home.

"It's a coyote den," Stiles informed the group.

  "Werecoyote, actually." Veronica corrected the male as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  "Hey, you see this?" Stiles spoke up as he picked up a blue winter coat, "This is Malia's. Remember, Scott, it's the same one she was wearing in the photo."

   As Stiles flashed his shined his flashlight everywhere Scott glanced around the coyote den. Scott slowly picked up teddy bear, "You guys are stupid, you know that?" Veronica told them, causing both Stiles and Scott to turned to face her, clearly confused.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked her, not knowing what she was talking about.

"You guys shouldn't have even step foot in this thing. Why do you think I'm out here?" She informed them.

  "What do you mean" Stiles questioned confused.

Veronica let out a large sigh, becoming angry that the two of them weren't catching on quicker, "Malia's not going to come back to her coyote den now. You guys invaded her home and now your scent is everywhere inside there." She explained and Scott's eyes widened in realization, knowing what Veronica was saying was actually right.

"See, this is why we need here around," Scott commented, pointing over at Veronica, who smirked.

Stiles rolled his eyes, not bothering to listen to Scott's comment, "If she's not going to come back here, where's she going to go?" Stiles asked confused.

"I don't know," Scott replied, not knowing the answer.

 "Can you guys track her now? You think you got her scent?" Stiles questioned curiously.

 "Maybe," Scott answered while Veronica scoffed.

"What do you mean 'Maybe', Scott?" Veronica asked annoyed, "It's a definite yes from me, just so you know."

  "Dude, you didn't even step foot in here," Stiles argued with her.

  "First of all, don't 'dude' me. Second of all, like Scott told you, I'm the master at tracking. I got her scent when Scott and I chased after her." She explained before turning to Scott, "What about you, Scott? It can't be 'maybe', it's either 'yes' or 'no'. Which one is it?"

 Scott sighed, avoiding eye contact with both Stiles and Veronica, "I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf. And I'm still worried that if I do it again, I won't be able to turn back, even with Veronica's help."

   Stiles exhaled deeply, "The door's still open." He commented.

"If I can't get to Derek, we're gonna have to find someone else to help." Scott spoke up, only to have Stiles become quiet, "This is basically a crime scene, right? I think it might be a little out of my boss's league."

"And more in my dad's." Stiles realized.

   Stiles and Scott waited for Veronica to give her opinion or a sassy remark, only to get complete silence. They shared the same look as they turned to see if she was standing in her original spot just outside the coyote den. 

  Both teenage boys frowned when they saw that she was longer standing there, "Where the hell did she go?" Stiles asked confused as he turned to Scott, "Did she even have pants on?"

 Scott shook his head, "No, just my jacket." He replied, only to see that his jacket was laying on the ground outside of the coyote, "Nevermind. She must have turned back into wolf form."

  "I don't think she likes the cops much," Stiles commented and Scott couldn't help but laugh.

 "Or parents." He remarked with a goofy smile on his face, which caused Stiles to smile at him.

 "You like her still, don't you? That's why you keep letting her help out," Stiles asked him, "I gotta give it to her, I may not like her at all, but she does seem to help us out a lot lately. But that's only when you're around."

  "Isn't she with Lydia though?" Scott asked, only to notice that he was off topic, "Actually, how about we stop talking about Veronica and you call your dad?"



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