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The shewolf and her pack had an odd way of communicating. They used a series of clicks, huffs, and their fair share of growling, whining and such.

It was so unlike Damien had ever experienced, even his own wild born wolves did the same, but at least they understood what he said, these wolves, and this shewolf knew nothing of humanity.

"Have you made progress with the shewolf?" Jerod asked.

"I honestly have no idea. I witnessed a conversation of sorts between her and a wolf, it was unreal. But she did take the book...after she had thrown a fit, and had chucked it at my face," the  statement elicited a deep laugh from his friend. The outburst earned some unfavorable glances from the people surrounding them, but it was a bar, what did a laugh matter?

"You, Damien, an alpha, let a little shewolf chuck a book at you? What a sight that would have been to witness," Damien motioned for Jerod to keep his voice down, prying ears would pose a threat later on.

"You seem to have forgotten, she's an alpha in her own right, and she is far from being a small woman, she's taller than half these human men," which said a lot, most were between 5'10 and 6 foot even His Male shifters stood at least 6'4 in height, if not taller.

"Still, and speaking of Alphas, Alpha Atticus Raymond, our friend from up north,is due in a couple of days for that trade agreement," Jerod said as he stole a fry from Damien's basket. They both hated the Canadian Alpha, he was pbsessed with the old ways and disagreeing with him coild mean trouble.

"Aye, he is, how goes our females?"

"Better, some have taken mates, others have looked to human males for their release. It is all such a headache," it always was, but it was imperative that he had them in control this  time because he would not have them running rampant with another alpha around. Usually he would allow his females to let their primal side out, but not this year.

The bartender came up to them, still wiping out a glass. "The police have started a sign up to search for the animal that's been doing all of these killins', sherriff Judd leads the search in a couple o' days. I don't know what they expect to find, if what the rumors say are true, every one o' them gon' be dead before noon of that day. Mark my word boys,"

Damien knew he spoke the truth, the shewolf would protect her pack and territory at all costs even if it meant exposing werewolves to the world. Who could blame her though? If men came to his territory with guns and firepower he'd command his wolves to fight back till the threat was gone.

He needed her to lay low for the next 3 days.

Gasps from across the bar caught both Damien and his beta's attention. A man had walked in a few minutes prior, but now he was telling a story, apparent by his hand gestures. 

He could pick up bits and pieces of what the man was saying. Something about his latest hunting trip.

"...None of us ended up dead, thank God, but my dogs were mauled and one got a good bite out Jerry's arm. It was unreal I tell you, they moved with a great synchronicity. The bitch that lead them was massive, I got a clear shot at her with my bow before they tore through us," questions mulled what the man had to say after that. Jerod and him shared a look before getting up from their spots at the bar to leave.

"If he says he shot her, how do you think she's faring?" Jerod asked.

"I need to see if she's okay, and take some medicine with me. Do you know if Alice made the flashcards yet? If so I will take them with me,"

"They're on your desk, she told me as we left for lunch,"

"Good," progress could be made. He felt like he was teaching a child, but one who knew things of life he couldn't possibly comprehend.

"May I come with you?"

"Yes," no. Damien wasn't sure if it was the shewolf who wouldn't like him, or if it was himself being territorial over a potential mate. He didn't like the idea of anyone tagging along with him, but if she was injured, he'd need hands to help, not paws.

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