New 3

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After the vigil, her pack was ready to move. The deerskins that kept her twoleg form warm and dry she left over the bodies of her fallen pack mates, assuming her wolf form before she followed closely behind them to make sure predators would not attack, Irik was at the front.

Daylight came seven times before they found a new spot. This one beside a water source which would attract plenty of prey.

The spot also had good den area. Her wolves were pleased, so that meant she was pleased.

Her pack was relatively small, wolves had moved on to find mates, and none had joined, but the promise of a new season meant their pack would grow to some extent.

She relished in the scents of the new place and hoped they'd not have to move anytime soon. The area, aside from the rushing water, saw plenty of area for mock fights among her wolves and a giant rock in front of the new den area.

The pups were healthy as ever and thriving in this new area. They would not have to worry about starving before the cold ended.

Today they would have their first hunt in the new territory. She had scented deer the other day headed this direction, and if her wolves were persistent, they could run up on the herd before nightfall.

She gathered her fastest and best hunters before shifting into their form and leading them to the heard.

Their trail was easy to follow, it ran along the water, plants were bare of fruit and flowers and hoofprints littered the banks. They had to stay downwind from the deer, otherwise they'd lose them.

As predicted, just before nightfall they were in close proximity with the herd. They would have to act quick on choosing a deer to pursue, the wind was changing direction and if a whiff of their party was caught, it would be too hard to keep up with the running deer after a day of tracking them.

There was a large male deer farthest from the herd his gait was halting, suggesting an old injury. This would be their prey. She and her wolves were quick to come upon him, but he caught their scent and ran, and the chase had begun. Other deer ran with him, but he was their target.

Going after one deer was easier than an entire herd. His injury proved no hinder as he ran from them. And they followed in hot pursuit. Soon enough the other deer realized they weren't the prey and split from the male

They did their best to make him backtrack to their area so they could easily take the carcass to the den for all wolves to feed.

It took all night, and they lost him several times before they had exhausted him and we able to run him down.

She was leading, even though her body ached from the continuous running, four of her wolves were going around to the front of the animal to stop him in his tracks.

It worked, the deer was now trapped, and hse was the one to lunge and bite into its neck, tearing out its throat and relishing in the hot blood that poured from the animal.

Their first hunt was successful and everyone would eat.

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