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Touch by Pia Mia

Sorry for the confusion. I have decided to let the mature scenes stay in my so it's back in and won't be removed again.


Chapter 13

- When I entered the room, the balcony doors were open, allowing moonlight to cascade into the room.

I had planned on stripping down to my underwear and wait, but the night sky caught my attention.

What was I even doing? I didn't think any of this through until now.

When werewolves mate, it's meant to bare their first pup, creatures like them didn't use protection, those were only available in the city. The human city.

If I don't die, I'll be pregnant... Am I ready? I have never dreamt of having a child. Just the thought alone seemed fascinating. A magical baby.

Sadly, I couldn't even remember my childhood. None of it.

I was leaning on the railing of the balcony when the door opened and the light from the hallway casted a tall shadow into the room that stretched and met my feet.

The door closed, footsteps got closer and arms reached out and grasped the railing, locking me against it. His breath fanned my ears from behind, then I felt him nudge it with his nose. His cold nose.

I sighed and turned in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck. No words were said, but the intensity of his stare said it all.

Warning: I can be very blunt with words, read at your own risk.

I backed away and made the first move, pulling my shirt over my head and dropping it to the ground.

A low growl heaved from his chest, sending waves down to my core. I closed my eyes breathlessly at what alone his voice did to me.

Then, I reached down and hooked my thumb in the waist of my tights and pushed it down. By the time I managed to pry my feet out of the material, his hands were already on my the back of my thighs and lifting me to his chest, then I was on the bed... Everything moved so damn fast.

He took his shirt off as my head spun in turmoil and when he attacked my lips, I responded in a drunken state.

He was moving too fast for me to adapt and I bit his lip to slow him down. Wrong move. He grinded his hips into mine and I gasped, releasing the flesh from beneath my teeth.

He dipped his head to the nape of my neck and began his never ending assault. Flash backs of the pleasures I felt last night, raced through my head. To think that it was just last night... Things were moving pretty fast between us.

I arched my back as my body heated up with need.

'Just last night I figured he was mine and now I was planning an escapade...'

I pushed the thought away quickly, to bask in the presence of my twin soul- that I would have to leave in secret...

I pushed him away abruptly, flipping us over. I took control, just to get rid of the thoughts that were showing themselves at the wrong moment.

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