Chapter 1

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"Maybe we can go do something this weekend?" Luke offered, his bright red hair glistening in the morning sun as he kept his head bent down, his brown eyes focusing on the screen in front of him. "Like I don't know catch a movie or something?"

I shrugged in response and flicked a flake of biscuit away from me, "I don't know Luke, I have to study for the English test next week and I can't mess it up."

With a sigh he looked up from his phone at me, I was always busy and I felt bad about it but I had stuff to do outside of them and he needs to know that without getting mad. I watched as his eyes swept over to my other best friend Jessica. A mischievous smirk spread across his face as he settled more in his seat and folded his hands in front of himself.

"What about you Jess? Wanna hang out this weekend?" He wiggled his  eyebrows at her causing her to throw a grape at him which he smoothly caught in his mouth. I laughed.

"Don't do that, it's annoying," she said as she shrugged in response to his previous question. "And I don't know what I'm going to be doing at all this weekend, its only Tuesday anyways. Besides if I can't then you basically have the whole cheer team that wants to get in your pants."

He scoffed at that and held a hand over his heart pretending to be offended, "as if I'd do such a thing!"

I laughed quietly at that, I love Luke but I wouldn't doubt any rumors stating he slept with the whole squad. As they continued to mock each other and throw insults I looked out side of the cafeteria windows that filled a whole side of the room. Just one big glass wall. I watched as people decorated the warm grass, many laughing and cheering on something unknown. Some sat under trees, their noses deep in a book and others just hung out with friends. First bell hasn't even rung and they wanted to be outside.

"What do you think Jade?" Luke said pulling me from my trance, my focus turned back to them.

"Hmm?" My eyes found Luke's and he gave me a questioning look.

"I asked you if I should bleach my hair." He seemed to frown as if repeating what he had said hurt him. "Yanno, So people don't think me and Jess are siblings, because that is annoying."

"If that's what you want to do," I shrug and stand up from the table swinging my bag over my shoulder. He groaned, knowing that my answer didn't help his dilemma I gave him a smile and turned from him.

Jess followed behind me, her red curly hair bouncing as she caught up with me. She was rambling on and on about god only knows what, I on the other hand was ignoring her and humming to myself as we proceeded towards my locker. Turning in the combination, I jerked the trashy old thing open and swung my bag off my shoulder.

"You're not listening, are you?" She asks, I look over at her and give the redhead a smile. Sighing with frustration she rolls her eyes, huffing "Yanno if you ever go on a date then you'd be the worst person to communicate with."

"Good thing I don't go on dates then Jess," I say winking at her, she scoffed and crossed her arms.

"I just don't understand why you don't! I mean you please every guy in this school Jay!" I rolled my eyes at this, what does she know about dating? Or about the guys in this school?

"Look Jess, I just don't date. The time will come but like I don't know," I said settling some binders at the bottom of my locker. "The time isn't now and you need to respect that."

"I jus-" but her voice cut off, her eyes darted behind me and that's when I realized why she stopped, why everyone in the hallway seemed to stop.

I turn towards her line of vision, trying to see past every head that seemed to turn. And then they finally came into view, The golden boys of Western High.

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