Chapter 3

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Today was Friday, and I still had no intention on going to Quill's damn party but Jess and Luke both insisted and to my dismay, they threatened to drag me from my home and force me to go. In pajamas or not. And some how managed to come up with a good enough excuse to tell my mom, considering I don't have to work tonight. So here I was, applying a deep shade of purple lip stick to my lips and lacing up my favorite black boots with my leggings tucked in. I wasn't dressing to impress, I was dressing like this so I wouldn't be uncomfortable underneath Jess' judging eyes. It was a simple out fit, a dark blue cotton t-shirt with black leggings and my boots. And to top it off Jess insisted I do my hair, so my usually brown wavy hair was straightened. I personally thought it was too much.

"You look like a damn doll," My brothers deep voice sounded from my bedroom door, I shot him a glare. "Like a goth doll. Do you have to wear all that makeup though?"

"Oh shut up Zakk," I snap, but become self conscious. Did I look that bad?

"I mean you look good, gothy, but good." He smiled at me as if it'll make it any better. I rolled my eyes. Why do guys have to be so confusing? "So how did you convince mom and dad to let you go?"

I sighed at that, the truth is is that I didn't even tell them I was going. He seemed to get the memo and laughed.

"Wow little miss goody-to-shoes is sneaking out, huh?" He teased, I threw a pillow at the freak.

"Shut up dude, besides what are you doing here?" I acted annoyed although I didn't mind my brothers company, he was basically the only family I had since my parents are busy all the time doing god knows what so late at night in Charleville.

"Well I was supposed to be watching you..." I laughed cutting him off, I'm seventeen years old and my parents still signed me up to be babysat by my older brother? Wow talk about not being trusted. He gave me a look before continuing, "But it seems like you don't need to be watched, so how about I go down stairs and I pretend I didn't see any of this, and you can sneak out of your window and go to the party?"

I rolled my eyes at my brother, why did he have to make stuff so awkward?

"Or I can just walk out of the front door since there's no use in trying to hide it now." Running a hand through my hair a smiled at him innocently before the realization that my parents left without saying goodbye, once again. "Where did they go anyway?"

"Oh," he smiled at me and ran a hand through his hair, "they had some business to take care of with the diner. They should be back later tonight."

"So in a week?" I knew the lie behind it, but I didn't understand it at the same time. The fact that they take business trips more frequently now confused me, and I knew it there was more to it that Zakk wasn't telling me.

"Three days, give or take. So you're stuck with me until then." He laughed nervously as I stared at him, but what was there to be mad about? Everything, there was everything to be mad about. "Well I'm going to leave you to it then, but I do want you back sometime tonight. No sleeping at some boys house got it? No sister of mine does one night stands!"

I rolled my eyes and bit back the urge to tell him that I was more virgin than jesus' mother, I had to spare him from the facts of my non-existent sex life. He left my room then, shutting my door behind him. Well this is just great.

Half an hour later I was proceeding up the front steps of Quill Marsh's front steps, Jess and Luke ahead of me. I couldn't hear any noise, maybe (and hopefully) the party was canceled. I smiled at the thought but that was until Luke opened the front door that I remembered that there is something called soundproofing. The music blasted our ears, you know in cartoons when something is too loud there hair pulls back along with there face? That's how it felt right now, but my hair didn't move, it was just a blast in the face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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