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to: weston.maguire@baderu.com

from: arobinson@careers.baderu.com

subject: Re:Career Counselling Appointment

sent: February 6, 2017 at 11:18am

Mr. Maguire,

Thank you for calling my office for an appointment. Unfortunately, due to the time of year, my schedule is full.

I have passed on your questions and information to my associate Jared Yi. Jared will give you a call to set up an appointment at his convenience.

I would like to prepare you, seeing as we have spoken before on this matter, for the reality of the situation. Your grades are adequate, but do not guarantee admission to teacher's college at any of the schools for which you've expressed an interest; you have selected very competitive programs.

I recommend planning for the possibility of taking an extra year to finish your undergrad or looking into other programs. Please call me or Jared if you need to discuss anything further.


Asa Robinson

Career Services Counsellor

. . .

to: weston.maguire@baderu.com

from: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

subject: Insecurities

sent: February 6, 2017 at 2:17pm


Thank you for your last response. Can you write about some of your insecurities?


. . .

to: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

from: weston.maguire@baderu.com

subject: Re:Insecurities

sent: February 6, 2017 at 3:01pm


So we're back to bare sentences? Ok. I'll have to write back tomorrow. School is really busy.


. . .

to: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

from: weston.maguire@baderu.com

subject: Re:Insecurities

sent: February 7, 2017 at 11:36pm

Dear Cassie,

Sorry I didn't write sooner. Things have been crazy. I don't know if this is the time or place, but maybe writing it all down will help me understand and give you a decent explanation.

I'm not my best self right now, I have to say.

It started with the dance team and cheerleaders' idea to do this fundraiser around Valentine's Day. My guess is that the girls who date some of the players knew that their boyfriends wouldn't come up with anything romantic for the occasion, so they figured they'd take matters into their own hands.

They're doing a fake casino night meets prom, but the money is going to the athletics department. We're all expected to be there and dress up for photos.

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