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I hope you can read my writing. Peter says that you'll need to hire a hieroglyphics translator to decipher my chicken scratch, but I think you'll manage. And yes, I had to look up how to spell hieroglyphics.

The staff won't let me see you and Simon. Only family is allowed in that part of the hospital. I'm not sure if that's a hospital rule or a Cassie rule, but I figured I should tell you that I'm here, downstairs in the lobby. So is Peter. Lena was here earlier, but she had an interview in Caledon.

I don't know if you have your phone or anything (is it like airplanes, where the signal from a phone could make all the machines explode?) but I'm here if you want to talk.

I'm so sorry, Cass. It's my fault he came after you... I had no idea he could do something like this. But then, maybe I should have known better.

I knew he was pissed, but I didn't realize how pissed. Lena and Peter told me a lot of what happened. I can't imagine what you and Simon are going through.

I heard you fucked him up really good, though---I'm not surprised, but I am impressed. You had to outdo me, huh?

Nurse Micah has offered to deliver this note to you. He's not one of Simon's nurses but he has access to that floor, unlike me. Nurse Micah is a sweet guy. He said he'd even smuggle you a chocolate pudding.

I hope it's okay that I'm here.


. . .

Hi Wes,

I have my phone, but it's been dead since last night. We've been really bored. It's a nice hospital room, don't get me wrong; Simon's mom paid for a private suite as if it's a hotel rather than a hospital.

Honestly, I wish we could have visitors. We've hardly spoken to anybody but cops since the attack happened. I'd like to come downstairs and see you and your friends, but I'm not ready to leave Simon. We appreciated the pudding, though, thank you.

I'm okay. Maybe it hasn't quite hit me yet, but I'm doing pretty well, all things considered. It was really scary, I know, and Simon and I both look (and feel) terrible, but it also feels over now.

Doug is going to jail for what he did to Simon. Mrs. Idzik told us this morning that he took a deal and pled guilty. He'll serve a reduced sentence and go through a lot of counselling, which is good. I didn't care to know too many specifics. It's over.

My actions were classified as self-defense, but I'm not sure that that's the case. I wanted to hurt Doug. I actually thought I might kill him. He'd hurt Simon so badly, and while I had initially just wanted him to stop, by the end of it I had to stop myself.

I think I understand why you did what you did now, Wes. I get why you thought you had to go after him.

And I'm not saying I agree with it, because I still think that you inserted yourself into something that should have been my choice, but I do get it.

Watching Simon break like the lead of a pencil completely destroyed me. If you cared about me, even an eighth of what I care for Simon, I understand why you had to do something. I was consumed by my feelings when I saw what Doug did to Simon. So, you and I are okay.

I hope you aren't planning to stay here overnight or anything ridiculous like that. Simon won't be discharged for days.

Maybe next time Sarah leaves the hospital for food, I'll ask her to get me a phone charger so I can text you. Micah has been nice enough to wait while I write this, but I don't think we can use him as a messenger pigeon all night. He does have patients.

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