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Texts sent on March 9, 2017 at 2:10pm:

Simon Idzik: I can meet you at Dr. Maharaj's at 3:30 and walk home with you if you'd like?

Cassie Belford: Don't worry about it.

Simon Idzik: I'll be nearby anyway. It'll be fun, we can even take Hank to the park.

Cassie Belford: Not today. I cancelled the appointment.

Simon Idzik: You're going.

Cassie Belford: Oh, am I?

Simon Idzik: What's going on?

Cassie Belford: Nothing.

Cassie Belford: I'm still under the weather and I don't want to go.

Simon Idzik: You spent six and a half hours at the library yesterday.

Simon Idzik: If you're healthy enough to study, you're healthy enough for counselling.

Cassie Belford: Please explain how you reached that conclusion.

Simon Idzik: Don't be like that. It's important to follow through. This isn't for kicks, it's for your wellbeing.

Cassie Belford: You have no right to override my decisions. I'm fully capable of deciding what's good for my wellbeing. 

Cassie Belford: I appreciate the sentiment, really, but we need to have boundaries.

Simon Idzik: Do you have any idea how much it sucks for me to not be able to help? I just have to sit here and hope for the best.

Cassie Belford: Are you seriously making this about you?

Simon Idzik: I feel useless here, and you need real help.

Cassie Belford: I put up with a lot of emotional rambling and a lot of guilt from you in the name of helping myself.

Cassie Belford: But right now, I'd really like for you to just let it go. I will make an appointment when I am ready.

Simon Idzik: Fine.

Simon Idzik: But you had no problem going to the GP when you caught that cold last week. Why is it this is so much harder?

Cassie Belford: You know why.

Cassie Belford: Also, if memory serves, I put up a pretty big fight about seeing Dr. Lee, too. I definitely don't need a doctor to tell me when I have the fucking sniffles.

. . .

to: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

from: weston.magure@baderu.com

subject: Hey stranger

sent: March 11, 2017 at 11:20pm


I'm sorry I haven't written a proper email all week. How are you feeling? I hope you're not still sick. I know school has been busy for me, so I can only assume you've been busy as well.

I went home to Caledon for the weekend since I have to stay on campus for spring break. The coach wants us to spend the week off working with the incoming team. It'll mostly revolve around drills and team building, but our coach and Jaz went out of their way to make sure we all get to have some fun, too.

People were still pissed about having to stay at school, especially those of us who are graduating. It seems like everyone else is going to Mexico while we're stuck in Kingston teaching guys how to run drills and "be a team."

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