Just Like That, Everything Goes To Shit

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-- Eloise --

"Excuse me, but, what the fuck is going on?!" I let a few necessary curses slip out in front of my parents but, honestly, I didn't give two shits about that right now. Husband? Aston King my husband?! Did I hear right? What kind of weird, fucked up joke is this?!

"Eloise! Your language!" my dad hissed, nervously shifting eyes to Mr King. He didn't look impressed with my introduction from what it looked like. Those hard eyes judged me harsher than any teenage girl could. My dad chuckled to ease the mood and ushered me closer to Mr King. "Mr King, my daughter, Eloise."

Dad gripped my forearm and sternly guided it out for a handshake. Mr King only momentarily stared at it before looking back to my father. It was clear he wasn't here to indulge in my forced pleasantries. My dad didn't seem to mind and cleared his throat. "I apologize about her behaviour. She's usually not like this...the marriage must have come as a big shock to her."

My eyes widened and I snapped my head between my dad and Mr King. Wait, so this wasn't just some weird joke they weren't playing? I know it couldn't have been since Mr King of all people is sitting inside my house right now, but how is this happening? What is happening?!

Confused and a little furious, I pulled myself away from my father's hold and stepped away from them. "Like I said, what is going on here?" I know I probably came off as a little hostile right now, but how could I not be? What were they talking about? Marriage? What kind of nonsense is that?! My dad gave me the look, wanting me to behave like a good girl. I usually submitted to that form gaze so easily, but this time, I would relent. I reflected it back to him until there was a stilled silence from the tension between us. 

I wasn't about to do shit until I knew what was going on!

There was a sigh from Mr King once he realized the situation was going nowhere and he straightened his position on the sofa. "Since your father is too incompetent to explain, I might as well do it myself."

My fury flickered. How dare he say that about my dad as if he knows him! Why was he even here?! 

"Hey! Don't call my dad incompetent, you asshole!"

Mr King seemed unfazed by my outburst, shortly continuing as if I hadn't even opened my mouth, to begin with. "Your parents owe me a debt and I am here to collect it," he declared coldly. I looked at my dad with confusion. He couldn't meet my eyes, so I shifted my gaze onto my mum instead. She stared at me with regretful devastation, nothing but sincerity in her welling tears. What? I don't understand. What was this guy talking about? Why was nobody telling me what was happening? "They've done something stupidly dangerous and they've been running away from the consequences of it for many years," King explained with a dangerous edge to his tone. I turned my bemusement back onto him, watching the shading to his expression darken as we locked eyes. "But, it's finally here. I'm finally here."

I furrowed my eyebrows, defensive from the cornering speech he had given. Suddenly, it felt as the pointed sharpness of everyone's gazes had been turned onto me, backing me into a corner. What is this? What is going on right now? I didn't get it. What had my parents done? What does this have to do with a marriage?!

"And, so what?!" I barked back in suspended opposition. "Even if you are telling the truth, what does this have to do with me?!"

Mr King smirked, amused, and chuckled deeply in pity. "Poor Eloise. I almost feel bad for you. Your entire life has been a lie constructed by your parents and yet, you haven't the slightest idea of what I'm even talking about right now." He spoke softly, though in a condescending manner. 

I froze, unable to respond. Because he was right. I hadn't the slightest ounce of understanding as to what was happening or what he was saying. My head had just become a noise storm of emotions. They had all merged together to form something indescribable. At the forefront, remained my utter confusion of the situation. Within it all, there was no space for any coherent thoughts. The dots were spaced too far apart to connect.

Married Into The Mafia *Undergoing Re-editing*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें