Chapter Three// Burnt Toast

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First Person/P.O.V:
I'm walking down a street when I come across a couple of older looking men.
They're talking to each other in some weird language, I can't really make it out.
I find that quite often in my dreams, other languages pop up fairly often.
Maybe it's because I speak little bits of about 4 languages and almost understand Spanish fluently.
Anyway so I'm walking down this street, and these two guys are coming towards me speaking some weird language, I look to my side, and notice that there's little icicles sort of flying along the sides of the buildings.
Next thing I know, I'm running towards a large open space.
This space is like a clearing in the middle of the city.
You know how you get clearings in woodlands, like a small circular space amongst all the trees?
Imagine that, but instead of trees around the clearing, it's a load of skyscrapers.
The clearing is small at first, but as I get nearer to it, it expands.
It becomes a large sort of 'Colosseum'. So, as I get into the middle of this clearing, I sense something' wrong.
At this point, I look to the distance and see mountains are literally moving from side to side, and that's my trigger.
I realize, 'mountains can't move', and therefore conclude that it's a dream.
I haven't developed any particular as structured reality check routine or mental reality checks at this point, so it's a very basic level of lucidity I'm having here.
I decide that because it's a dream, I can do things without having real-life consequences, so I find an axe on the ground and use it to fight off the approaching skeletons.
I use the axe to push them backward, and when I see a gap between them, I run as fast as I can.
* * *
Third Person:
Manny woke up from his weird dream, and got out of bed and walked over from out of the dorm.
There was no one in the dorm with him so he assumed they were gone signing up for activities. He walked out and the common living space was on the boy's side while the girl's side had the kitchen located over there.
Everyone was gone except Corwin and Amber.
"James... I mean Corwin," She said taking the sight of Manny, "Stop burning the toast!"
"I'm trying, I'm trying!" A voice in his head said
Huh, he thought, that's weird.
"Look who's up Corwin."
//Corwin signs in A.S.L//
"Yeah, yours truly!" Amber says.
"Yeah wel-," Manny stops and looks at a few cards on the floor.
There's one with fire on it and one with 2 stars on them.
"Hey, you guys, who's cards are these?" Manny asked.
But too late
Manny jumped and Dropped the cards and watched in awe as they erupted into a growing purple flame.

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