Chapter Five// Inside The Light

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Third Person/Katara's P.O.V:

She ran and ran until she saw the source of the light.

It was a Bright green wolf that looked like a tree of leaves was growing from its body. Katara stopped singing and realized that the wolf was the one singing the song.

She watched as the wolf started to glow, it glowed so brightly.

But as it glowed it sang: "Oh my darling I am getting closer, hold on tight, and I, know it hasn't been so easy. I'm fighting for my life."

But then the wolf stopped singing and glowing. And where the wolf was stood a woman with what looked like one of those tree huggers that make their clothes out of nature.

She looks a lot like my mom Katara thought.

Before Katara could say a word the lady started singing: "I could be a warrior, yes I am a warrior."

Before she could catch herself Katara was singing to: "There's no need to worry love, Look around it's glorious, Close your eyes and taste the sun, You know where to find me."

The lady reached out her hand and Katara put her hand in it. The strange woman opened her other hand towards some tree and lightness blinded them.

*                    *                    *

The brightness made Katara blink several times. The somehow Earth lady was now a wolf again. Which she thought was pretty weird because if you were going to change back, then why change at all?

She was in a room filled with other wolfs, all different colors glowing.

And at first she couldn't hear it but they were singing: "Inside side the light! Inside side the light! Inside I'm alive. Inside side the light! Inside side the light! Inside side the light! Inside I'm alive. Inside side the light! Inside side the light!" Almost there overcome my fear. I'll save the light in our lives. Just look deep inside to find you and I. Like stars in the sky will brighten the light."

She couldn't help think about her mother singing her that song. It was just like yesterday her parents died. Her friend Callie's parents let her and her younger brother Nathan stay with them. And now hearing this song made her want to cry.

"You know where to find me. And I know where to find you. Inside side the light! Inside side the light! Inside I'm alive. Inside side the light! Inside side the light! Inside side the light! Inside I'm alive. Inside side the light! Inside side the light! " They seemed to finish.

"Any questions my dear?" Earth wolf asked. "Yeah umm why did you not finish the song?" Katara asked.

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