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Cassie did exactly that. She dragged Amanda to the biggest library she could find around after they changed into more comfortable clothing, grabbed a total sum of eight cups of coffee from the nearest Starbucks, found a desk in the library and used Amanda to transport the too suspicious number of books to the desk.

Cassie opened a book and began reading. Amanda opened her phone and began taking pictures of herself. Cassie threw her PA a sharp look and turned back to her books. But the clicking sound of Amanda's phone camera made her groan, close the book and hit her with it. Amanda winced.

"What are you doing?" Amanda rubbed her arm.

"You are irritating me."

"I am sorry. Should I stop breathing too?"

"Yes. That'd be a massive improvement on your part."

"You don't pay me overtime."

"I do pay you overtimes, plus I buy you caf and I am an angel. Admit it, you can't find a better employer."

"I don't know what to think of you. Really, one time you are a good person the other you are devil incarnate."

Cassie looked at her and shrugged. "I've got to finish my research. Turn your phone to silent mode."

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Going for a third PhD, uh?"

"Yes and no. I'm thinking of starting a tech company."

Amanda sighed. "Not surprised."

"Of course not. You've known me enough. I wear my heart on my sleeve."

Amanda chuckled. "The devil and you."

"Just business. Don't get overexcited."

Cassie turned the page on the book and began reading. She had a total of three more books to finish until 3 am. She had about nine hours which was ultimately perfect. She loved libraries, loved the silence and simplicity. She would have let Amanda go to the after party, but she liked teasing people to the state of anger. Anyway, she was even kind enough to let Amanda drive the car from the hotel to the library. Cassie was being too kind.

Amanda's phone rang and she stood and moved out to answer. Sometimes she really hoped someone genuinely needed Amanda so she would leave on her own. Cassie looked up and stared at her PA. She was being too chatty and too happy. Whoever was in that phone call, it was good. Cassie's stomach began to tremble. No, that was a very bad sign.

The universe was telling her of something that was going to happen. Amanda disappeared down the hallway and Cassie sighed thinking that she would leave her to finish her work. She turned back to her book and pulled out a notepad scrabbling incoherent numbers in her awful handwriting. At least no one at the university could read her notes and never bothered her with asking.

She wrote some formulas, made a poor design of a circuit and calculated most values. She had been happy with her work and when she pulled a clean paper to rewrite everything. Amanda sat on the other side of the desk, but Cassie didn't raise her head.

She smirked. "What was so amusing that kept you that long? The fish tiles in the restroom?"

"No, there was some traffic on the roads."

Cassie's head shot up, glaring at Lewis who sat in Amanda's seat across her. "What are you doing here? This place is for people with a brain. Last I checked yours had broken up with you."

"Are you always that charming?"

She shrugged. "Most of the time. Why aren't you at the party? Not strong enough booze for your liver?"

The Louboutin Situation {F1/Lewis Hamilton FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now