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Lewis had been feeling a lot better after the success at taking pole position for the race tomorrow. He grabbed his car keys as he was preparing to go out for tonight.

But when he went down to the lounge he found Cassie sitting in a tall stool with a notebook in her one hand and a pencil on the other, glaring at someone in the room and was probably "deducing" that someone.

He didn't know what made him turn towards her and approach slowly and silently. She was sketching furiously and he was even scared she'd snap at him for bothering her. But he found he didn't care, she was unpredictable and he had grown a fondness for Cassie's unpredictability. At least he never got bored around her.

Her head shot up, looking somewhere in front of her. She bit onto her pencil with delight as she frowned and sighed. Whatever it was she was thinking, it should have been interesting. It was strange enough to see her that relaxed, with her shoulders down and without any kind of Louboutin footwear just white plain sneakers, a pair of jeans and a white this time shirt with her infamous quote.

She looked as another person completely. He even wondered what it would have been if--

"Don't even think of startling me, Hamilton. I'll slap your head harder this time and I do have a special kind of a very heavy hand."

Lewis sighed as he came to stand beside her peering down her sketch. "Are you being creepy again?"

"No, I am exercising my psychology degree."

"And what's your how did you call it? Yeah, deduction?"

Cassie pursed her lips. "Classic situation of adultery. See there, that man with the blue suit?" Lewis nodded. "He's anxious, look at how he twists his wedding ring. He feels regrets, but he doesn't leave or tell his wife. Unless he's guilty of murdering her, which is unlikely. So the next best thing is he's waiting for his mistress to come. He doesn't speak German which indicates he's not from around here and his English are not very good. I would propose he's Russian. But that's just a lucky guess. So wait a few minutes, anytime now his mistress will come."

"And you found out all this by looking at him for a long time?"

"Oh, I found out a lot more. Like he's left-handed and drives a Porsche and he's being followed by probably someone Hsi wife hired."

Not after long Cassie had spoken a blond woman had approached the man and had kissed him quite passionately.

"Oh, you're good." Lewis muttered silently.

"Thank you. I've been doing that for a long time. Even since I was a kid."

"I can't even think about you playing with dolls."

"Good because I never did. I preferred books and maths."

"Have you ever felt like a kid? You never played and never acted like one?"

"No, being like normal kids was a waste of my time. So I had like a few friends. Theo always admired me so we stuck together. I guess." Cassie shrugged. "So, where are you off to?"

"I'll let you figure it out."

"Another brainless model?"


"Damn, I was so close. You were with one yesterday. I don't know it's name. I don't like to fill my brain with useless information."

"She is a nice, smart person."

"I don't care if it can do multiplication." Cassie shrugged. "It's still brainless."

"She's a person. Stop calling her it."

The Louboutin Situation {F1/Lewis Hamilton FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now