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"Jen, how old are you?" We just finished dinner and decided to watch a rerun of Game of Thrones.

"17." I was so caught up in the TV that I didn't even look at her, but I saw her in my peripheral vision that she was staring at me.

"What?" Still, my focus is on the TV.

"You're a minor?" With that, she hit my arm causing me to look at her.

"Ouch! What's that for?" I touched my arm and pretended that it hurt, and I guess it worked. She scoots over me, puts her hand on top of mine, and wraps her left arm around my shoulders.

"I'm sorry. But still, you're a minor? How come you didn't tell me? And more importantly, what does your Mom say about you having to come over here every night?" She was starting to get mad again but my attention wasn't on that, it was actually the first time we'd touched in this sort side of a hug. I felt like all my senses were heightened.

"My Mom actually likes you." I tried so hard to play it cool though.

"How come?" She pulled herself a little bit just to have a space between our faces.

"She told me that you always greet her every time you see her." I swear she could feel my skin burning under her arm as she tensed up a bit only to relax a moment later, falling more comfortably into our position.

"Oh, I didn't know she's your Mom. Well, I guess I greeted the right person every morning. " she looked at me smirking.

We ended up watching the entire 3 episodes that way, even though it was the last thing I paid attention to until I heard her yawn while leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Are you sleepy? I'm going to leave n-"

"No, no, please stay." She said mid-yawn and as she was leaning on my shoulder she wrapped her arms around my waist sinking more into me. I stiffened a bit and felt something funny in my stomach.

"Would you like me to make some potato fries?" I needed all the distraction I could get.

"Fries? Hmm, no. I'm still a bit full." She was tightening the hug and I was like a statue, if only breathing is optional.

I tried to concentrate on the TV but I was fully aware of the gorgeous woman beside me.

For 30 minutes, I didn't understand the last episode and I guess I'm gonna have to watch it again.

I looked at the time, it's already past 10.

"Em, I should go now and let you sleep." I tried to get up.

"Why don't you sleep here?"

I gave her a questioning look. "I live next door, Emma."

"I know, Jen. But I don't think your Mom would mind." She was teasing me.

"Hah! My Mom, really?" I finally got up, "Just so you know, I'm taking your bed."

And I ran towards her bedroom. This will be the first time that I will see her bedroom. Her sheets were black, which gave her a sense of maturity. Her pillowcases were white, there were pictures hanging on the wall, must be her family. Before I could assess her bedroom more she was already behind me.

"It's a queen-sized bed so both of us could fit into it." She took out an old shirt and a pair of shorts for me to sleep in.

I looked at her surprised, but she didn't see it as she went straight to the bathroom. We're going to sleep in the same bed! My mind shouted.

I wasn't even moved on from the "cuddling" earlier on the couch and now this? Is she trying to kill me?

"Are you ok, Jen? You look pale." Didn't notice she came out already.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go change"

You're just sleeping in the same bed, nothing more, nothing less. Just relax. Trying to calm myself. With a final glance in the mirror, I pulled myself together before going out of the bathroom.

Emma is already under the covers with her eyes closed as if she was already asleep.

I slowly climbed up to the bed and positioned myself when I felt her arms around my waist.

"Hmm, you're so soft, Jen." Is she already dreaming?

I turned my head on her side to see her eyes closed. Even with the dim light, she's so beautiful. Fought myself so hard not to caress her cheeks.

"You're staring again."

"How did you even know?" I could feel my cheeks heated up because of the embarrassment but the good thing is, she's not seeing it.

"I have other senses, Jen." Still, her eyes are closed.

"Yeah, Well I'm just checking if you are really asleep or you know, just closing your eyes." Tried to reason it out but I know it didn't work out. "Ugh, why bother."

We stayed like that for a minute, her, eyes closed and me just staring at her.



"Do you have a boyfriend?" I felt her arms tighten its hug around my waist as she opened her eyes and waited for my response.


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