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It was already 9 o'clock in the evening and she still wasn't home, earlier today I received a text message from Emma that she was going home late today so I wouldn't go to her place at 7 like our usual meet-up.

"Honey, could you be a dear and grab my purse."

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard my Mom. She and my Dad will go to a funeral, I think one of their friends died early this morning, I'm not sure though. Maybe I should really listen when my Mom talks, distract my brain from constantly thinking about the girl next door. She didn't elaborate much on where is she going.

Hey, don't wait up. Will be out for the night. That is all I got from her.

And of course, I replied, Text me when you reach home.

And until now, haven't heard from her. It's not like it's her obligation to let me know where is she going or who is she with, but at least drop some hint like, hey I'm on a date tonight or I'm with friends, or dude I'm not your girlfriend so stfu.

Ughh, I gotta stop torturing myself like this.

"Mom, what time you'll be home?"

"Don't wait up Honey, we'll be late for sure."

Really? I think I heard that before from someone, oh yeah, from the girl next door.

I look at the time, it's 9:20.

I already had my dinner and I don't feel like watching TV, the silence in the house is making me nuts.

I grabbed my key and went to the garage, I hadn't driven my baby for 2 weeks now. I'm not actually sure where to go, I just know that I have to get out of the house real soon.

I was already 6 blocks away from my house and about to turn back when I saw a familiar figure waiting on the side of the road, a smile plaster on my face and honked at the girl.

Brought my window down and I shouted, "Saaaaaaaaaaam!"

"Holy shit, Jen! You scared the hell out of me!"

Went down the car and gave her a small hug.

"Dude, you're all dressed up, you're going to a bible study?" I chuckled at my joke and that serves me a punch in my arm.

"There's a party around the corner and a friend invited me."

I swear I could see her blushing mentioning this friend of hers, I gave her a questioning look.

"Friend? Since when did you have another friend aside from me?" I poked her in the cheeks repeatedly when she didn't answer me.

"Okay, Okay! I met him a week ago at my cousin's birthday party, we got to talking, and invited me to this party, I'm actually waiting for him." She was flushed and I could tell she was embarrassed.

"Hey, it's fine, I'm not gonna tease you." I really want to but I don't want to embarrass her more.

"Okay, so I'll leave you to it. But, promise me you'll introduce me to him?"

"Why don't we do it now, he's coming." I turned my head and saw a tall guy with brown hair approaching us, good-looking I may add.

"Hi." He looked at the both of us, confused when Sam spoke.

"Hi, David this is my friend Jen. Jen, David."

He reaches his hand to shake mine.

"Hi Jen, I heard so much about you, and it's really nice to meet you."

"Did you, now?" I looked at Sam suspiciously and she just laughed it off.

"Anyways, I heard you're going to a party so I'm gonna head. Don't drink too much."

I was about to get back to my car when David called me.

"Why don't you come with us?" He looked at Sam and continued, "It's my best friend's birthday so I don't think he would mind if I bring 1 more guest."

I wouldn't lie, it sounds appealing. I checked my phone and thought for a second.

Rather than think about my neighbor all night, I might as well go to this party. I mean, she didn't even reply to me so clearly, and definitely, I will just sulk myself to bed all night. I sent a quick text to my Mom letting her know about it.

"Yeah, what the hell."

Just in two minutes, I'm pulling out to this big house around the corner, I haven't noticed this house before.

"Let's go." Sam excitedly grabs my hand leading me inside.

The sounds are very loud, teenagers are all around the place drinking, dancing, and some are makin' out.

Jeez, this party is insane, or is it? I've never been to a party like this before so I have nothing to compare it to, and does it have to be this loud?

Sam must've sensed that I was being uneasy at my surroundings so she grabbed me and led me to the kitchen.

"Let's get you a drink." She took two red cups and poured a punch in it and handed me the other one.

I took the cup, "Sam, I think I should go."

"No, Jen. Please stay. I know this is not your scene and neither mine, but you know, we're teenagers and we're supposed to be in parties like this." She was holding my hand and giving me her best puppy eyes. "Pleeasee?"

"Okay, fine!" I sigh in defeat.

We sat on one of the couches in the living room where a lot of teenagers were dancing.

"See, It's not that bad, right?" she had to lean closer near my ear so I could hear her.

"Yeah." I shouted back. It's the worst. I don't see the logic in this kind of party. You will get drunk, do something stupid, and regret it the next day, hell I could get pregnant tonight for all I know.

Maybe that's why I'm not a big fan of parties, especially teenage parties. If it's only not for Sam, I am out of here.

"Do you mind if I leave you for 2 minutes? I'll just look for David." Sam was shouting at the top of her lungs, does it really have to be this loud? Like seriously?

I just nodded at her and sent her away.

Not more than two seconds when Sam left me and another person occupied her seat. It's a girl for sure as most of her hair is in my face.

I didn't bother at first to look but I was really uncomfortable with her hair in my face so I turned to face her just for me to be struck as to who it was.



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