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I woke up feeling a heavy weight continuously shifting under my arm, I peeked my eye open to see what it was only to be surprised to see a human being in the form of my hot neighbor.

We fell asleep hugging each other on the couch, she was awake based on her movement, and she was trying to free herself but probably didn't want me to wake up because she was extremely careful.

I closed my eyes again and casually strengthened my grip on her waist.

I felt her tensed up and her breathing quicken, I couldn't help but smile. She would kill me if she knew that it was completely intentional.

I couldn't hold it anymore, I might burst out and to be honest my arm is dying over her weight, damn she's heavy.

I moved my face closer to her exposed ear and breathed in and out slowly, felt her tensing all over again and Goosebumps were on her arms.

"You're crushing my arm." I whispered and before I could anticipate what would happen next, I saw her bolting out of my grasp, standing up and glaring at me accusingly.

And before I could protect myself, her hands were already hitting me, assaulting me.

I was laughing even though every slap of her hand in my body hurt.

"Ouch! Stop! Stop!" I screamed as she straddled me and was trying to slap me more.

"I can't believe you are already awake!" another slap in my arm, damn she's pissed.

I tried to protect myself with my arms but she was extremely strong.

"I'm sorry, please stop!" I pleaded in between her arms slapping mine and finally, she slowed down.

Her face was so red, probably from the embarrassment.

She was now sitting on my lap, straddling me and gazing at me curiously.

I looked at her confused, she was thinking of far more punishment that she could give me.

And I wasn't wrong, she started tickling me all over my stomach. One thing you should know about me, I am ticklish, like a lot.

I squirmed under her hands and couldn't stop laughing. She seemed satisfied with herself but still couldn't get enough.

I raised my hand as a sign of surrender.

"Em, Stop, please. I'm sorry, I swear I was sleeping."

She stopped for a second and looked at me, disbelief written all over her.

"I'm sure you were!"

Before she could attack me again, I held her two hands.

"I was! And then I woke up with my arm hurting like hell so I told you and then you turned Mayweather on me!" I'm still holding both of her hands and finally able to make her stop.

She looked at me suspiciously with her big hazel eyes. She's so pretty.

Her face started to go back to its color and her breathing to its normal rate.

She didn't say anything, just looking at me but didn't get up from her position which I don't have any complaints and wish we could stay like this for a long time.

I don't think she realized our position, even her hands are still on mine.

We're just gazing at each other, not saying a word.

I wonder what she was thinking, did she really get mad because of what happened?

I mean, we already slept together in one bed, both our arms in each other's waist. So what's the big deal now?

Or she was just embarrassed because she knew that I felt her tensed up in my embrace let alone her having Goosebumps when I whispered in her ear?

Either way, no regrets on my side.

I'm not being a perv or anything, it's just that, I like hugging her. She's so soft and smells so good.

I wish I could tell her that but no, I don't want to give her any reason to freak out and start to avoid me, just like Kate.

Nope, that will never happen again.

I cannot go down that road again, especially with Emma.

I need to stop now, and suppress whatever I'm feeling before I do something stupid.

"Maybe I should go, I mean it's late."

She just looked at me but didn't move.

"What are you waiting for?"

I glance at her body then her face, "I would, if you let me."

"Ohh, right." Her face started to get red again, but she managed to get up and offered me a hand.

Is it me or does she enjoy our position as well?

I know what I said, I need to stop but her actions got me thinking.

Before when I was wearing short shorts, she checked me out. I swear she did.

In her bed, when we slept hugging each other, and now.

She must've sensed that I was deep in my thoughts, she cleared her throat and that brought me back to my senses.

"Right, Bye Em."


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Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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