Chapter 4.

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I sat in the passenger seat of my brother's car waiting for him to begin the talking. How could he keep something so big from me. It was not even the fact that he kept it a secret but instead the fact that I had to hear it from the new man that somehow I am now tied to? This included me too and yet he kept it from me. I waited a few minutes, "Why didn't you tell me!?" I asked breaking the silence in my sudden anger.

Jax glanced at me then turned back to the road, "There's a lot you don't know." He began. "Dad was the Beta of the Blood Moon Pack before me, Dad of course was a werewolf yet..." he sighed as he paused. Our dad too? How did these... these creatures even come to be?

"When dad met mom he immediately knew she was human, not only that but mom is part of an organization that kills werewolves.  Dad knew that he couldn't tell mom about werewolves. So for the past 20 years mom hasn't known and she can't know or else she will, come after the pack. The only reason Dad and I didn't tell you was because there was a huge chance you weren't a werewolf, I was no doubt a werewolf because I am the first born and male." He said. I let the information digest as I sighed. "Females born of both a werewolf and a human often do not come to be werewolves, there was no way of knowing you would be one too. " he told me.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, pausing to lean my head against the window. "So will I get the Pack mind link sooner or later?" I questioned after a few minutes. Raven— the man— had told me about the pack link and I thought of it to be intriguing.

Jax's face went pale, "Yeah, about that..." he paused as he glanced at me while I stared out the window. "I never knew where it came from, the sudden thoughts but now as we know you're a werewolf too... It is possible that your own thoughts have accidentally been transmitted into a mind link." He told me.

I turned to him abruptly "What!?" I squealed. "You- you mean you've heard my- my thoughts?" I stuttered, absolutely mortified at the thought of someone hearing my thoughts.

"Yeah, since I'm the only one from the Pack who really knows you and has a bon with you. I'm able to hear your thoughts sometimes." He said as he scratched the back of his head. I groaned aloud, covering my face as it turned rouge.

"I've heard some pretty weird things  but, you'll get the whole mind link to the Pack once you know who everyone is." He glanced at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes at him and lifted my face from my hands, embarrassed.

"Oh, but-"I paused when I saw the house.

"Just tell mom and dad that we went out for icecream, I will speak to dad about your scenario." Jax said becoming serious once again.

"Why can't I talk with y'all?" I questioned. "I am included in what happened, am I not?" I hissed.

"Because you need to get to bed early,  you're definitely going to have trouble falling asleep tonight." He told me. I furrowed my eyes in confusion.

I hopped out of the car, my shoulders falling in defeat. As soon as I walked inside I heard my mother's voice, "Where were y'all?" She asked. My face blank as I stared at her, flashes of images of what she had done in her life to others.

I looked towards Jax, "We went for icecream, Delaney said it was a hard day today." Jax said taking over as he retreated up to his room.

"When will dinner be done?" I asked as I walked towards the stairs as well, pausing at the bottom to look once more at her.

"In a few minutes." She smiled, I couldn't help but think of my own mother as a murderer towards werewolves.

Once I got to my room I sat my stuff down and jumped into my bed. I stared at the ceiling for a few moments before I thought about the whole day. I'm not even sure if this is real or not. I pinched my arm again, hissing at the pain it brought. I pulled up my sleeve, staring at my wrist. The faint scars of cuts that littered my body, it had been months since I last cut myself and yet the feeling was overwhelming to do it once more.

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