Chapter 21.

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Raven's POV

I stood from my desk. "This concludes our meeting. Everything begins tomorrow. We're going to end this once and for all." I told the group. All the men stood up and began to leave the room, many of them shaking my hand on the way out. I gathered nearly ten other alphas around the area along with a video conference with three others that had been attacked for a meeting concerning the attacks around the country. None of them know my father is the one doing it all, although either way it wouldn't matter. What he's doing is ruining other people's lives. I feel guilty. Like it is my fault, my fault for the deaths that have occurred. My father is a truly abhorrent man.

Once everyone was out of the meeting room I retreated back to my room. I checked the time on my clock and sighed, I should be heading over to Delaney's soon. Why must everything be stressful all the time? Why must life just hit me with things 24/7. I feel as if there is no escape for it. I always thought that when I met my mate I'd be all over but look where that has led me now.

She's young and I'm having to keep secrets about her away from her and it pains me to do that. Not to mention my sexual drive has increased, as horrible as that sounds. And now there is a whole army of people searching for her. All in search of harming her as well. What would it take for this all to pause for one moment? To have no stress once so ever. A dream that would be.

I ran my hands through my hair and got up. I paced around for a bit before going to my door and leaving the pack house.


Of course I knew I was being rude to her. Of course I felt horrible. Of course my whole existence now caters to her. Yet now I wasn't sure what would happen. I held her in my arms tightly. I knew he was here. It's been awhile yet I knew that scent from anywhere. It was unforgettable.

My father.

And he was nearby.

'What's going on?' She questioned.

'Rouges.' Was all I could say. I didn't want to lie to her face so a said what was partially true.

A large wolf jumped out of the shrubs beside us. I immediately growled at the figure and shifted. There was no mistaking who this was. He clawed at me, I swiped my paw across his chest . I heard him cry in pain but of course father wouldn't show his agony. He never did. Never would. That was just who he was, calloused from endless pains and thus he was rigid and cold.

He dug his claws into my side. Aster, hissing out in pain.

'You've grown a lot son.' I heard his orotund voice in the mind link.

I didn't respond, I didn't have time to be distracted by his comments. I didn't think it was possible to still have a mind link with him after all of these years and from what he did.

'She's nearly mine.' He laughed.

I looked at Delaney although two men had their arms around her. I felt disgusted. How dare they put their hands on my mate. Jax was on them in an instant, once he was done he came to help me. Two against one meant there was going to be a death on one side.  I swung my claws across his left eye causing him to bleed out. Father quivered in fear before running off. I immediately followed after him although due to fathers speed I couldn't keep up.

I wanted him dead, I wanted to kill him. I wanted to be able to never think about him again. Am I horrible person for thinking this way?
No... No way I could be horrible for defending my mate and pack.
I spooned her small figure, I didn't want her to leave me. I felt as she ran her hand through my hair. I almost immediately fell asleep from that small movement. I opened my eyes slightly to look at her. I grinned partially as she stared at me.

His Young Mate Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ