Don't Be Fake This Time

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-Peter's P.O.V-

The cell was dark, cramped, grey, and small. Eleven year old Peter could stand on any wall, and his head would brush the opposite wall. He didn't know which way was up, or down. He'd tried to jump to let gravity show him where the actual floor was, but it seemed like every wall attracted him back to it. That strategy always caused bruises, but it was nothing Peter hadn't dealt with before.

There would always be the most bruises, and chipped nails from clawing at the walls when he would wake up from forced slumber. The panic that would overtake him threw out all thoughts. He would throw himself against the walls that wouldn't budge. Scratch at the walls until his nails would bleed, and scream until his voice was hoarse.

Time was impossible to keep track of, and Peter stopped trying long ago. He stayed in one corner to avoid confusion, huddling in a tight ball, and clutching his stomach. He was so hungry, it was starting to hurt.

Peter was trembling in anticipation, he didn't know how long had passed, but he knew that when HYDRA would let him out, he was in for a world of pain. Being put into what Peter called the Dark Room was never fun, but it seemed like nothing compared to what would come after.

He flinched when light suddenly flooded the room, and scurried to the wall opposite of the door. Settling on the place where the ceiling and the wall met. "No, no please, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I won't fail again. Plea-" He screamed in pain, and fell onto the ground when a horrible screeching met his ears. The whistle.

It felt like years before the screeching stopped, and Peter was left a panting, sweaty mess on the grimy floor. He gasped in pain when a sharp kick was delivered to his ribs, "Get up, Spider."

Peter limped up, and stood up straight. "Follow," Zemo ordered. Despite the fact that Peter was trembling in fear, he followed Zemo. Slightly limping, as his injuries from his last mission hadn't healed themselves. He'd had to re break his ankle earlier when he hadn't tended to it soon enough before it healed incorrectly.

Two men with guns pointed at him followed from behind, and Peter knew he could fight them off, but with Zemo holding the whistle? Peter decided it wasn't worth it. He faltered in his step a little when he realized where they were going. One of the guys shoved him forward with their gun, and Peter continued to limp along.

When the door opened up to show a chair with metal straps on the sides. He stopped in his steps, and instead of resuming his walking, Peter fought back.

He twisted around, grabbing the gun at his back, and kicked the guy in the stomach. He twisted away from the gunshot Guy Two aimed at him and was going to run at him when the deafening screech reached his ears once again. Peter crumpled to the floor, shouting in pain. He lay limp on the ground, body feeling like it was on fire. His sight was blurry, and there was a slight ring in his ears.

He let out a whine of pain when the two guards picked him up from his arms, and dragged him over to the chair. As they were strapping him in Zemo started to speak, "You have been hesitating." He picked up the book. "You know how we feel about that. Don't you?" He cooed.


"No..." Peter whimpered.

"Peter, wake up!"

"Желание," Zemo drawled.

A deep part of Peter felt that this was somehow different. None of his memories felt like they were slipping away from him. Even so, the fear associated with those words, made Peter's fight or flight response trigger.

"Stop it," Peter moaned, trying to get feeling back into him. Some of his strength was starting to come back to him.

"Peter, you're not there anymore, come on!"

"Ген," Zemo continued.

"Shut up-" Peter growled. He started to tug at his wrists.

"Peter, please, wake up."

"Взрыв," Peter heard, but it sounded far away. Like he was under water.

"I'm sorry about this, Peter."

Just as Zemo was about to say another word, there was a slap, and everything folded in on itself.

-Steve's P.O.V-

Steve awoke to Bucky shooting out of bed. One look at the clock on the bedside table told him that is was half passed one in the morning. "Bucky, what's going-"

"Peter," His partner answered quickly, and he put on a shirt.

Steve rushed out of bed, and followed Bucky across the hall to Peter's room. When they opened the door, Steve's heart ached at the sight. Peter was twisting and turning in his bed sheets, face twisted into one of fear. Sweat made his light brown hair stick to his face.

Both men rushed to Peter's bed side. "Peter?!" Bucky asked. Hands hovering over Peter. It was obvious he didn't know where to start, but Steve did.

Bucky still had these night terrors. Even if everything HYDRA was out of his mind, he still had the memories.

Steve motioned for Bucky to help him take the blankets off of him. "Peter, wake up," Steve mumbled when they got the blankets off the kid. Soon, it was obvious that the blanket was keeping Peter's hands from flying everywhere. Steve dodged a hand that was about to hit him in his face.

"Peter, you're not there anymore, come on!" Bucky pleaded. When Peter started to scratch at his wrists (That had just healed from whatever had hurt him before) Steve and Bucky held his arms down. Bucky leaned away from Peter's legs, that were flying in the air.

"Peter, please, wake up," Bucky begged.

When Peter didn't wake up, Steve met Bucky's eyes who solemnly nodded. "I'm sorry about this, Peter." Steve said, and slapped Peter not to hard on his cheek.

With a gasp, Peter woke up, and threw Steve off of him, and onto the ground. Peter twisted slightly and kicked Bucky in the stomach, making him fall off the bed. Steve looked up to see Peter scurry up the wall, and went to the top corner of the ceiling.

Steve stared at the boy in shock, and a tiny bit of awe. It was the first time that he had seen Peter actually use his powers. Steve got to his feet, and walked around the bed to help Bucky up. "Peter," Bucky said calmly. He put his hands up by his head, palms facing the boy, "Peter it's James. You're at the Avengers Compound."

"No, no, I'm sorry, I won't- I won't fail again. Please-" He mumbled, his voice cracking.

"Peter, it's okay, you don't have to worry," Bucky reassured.

"No- no, ple- please," Peter whimpered.

Steve crept right under Peter, as the boy was to focused on looking at Bucky to see whatever was there. He held his arms out, prepared to catch Peter if he fell. "Peter, you are not with HYDRA," Bucky explained slowly, "You are safe."

Peter just stared. Eyes wide, and full of terror. His body was taught, and his chest was heaving. Gasps escaping his mouth, as he fought to control his breathing. He slowly shook his head, eyes never leaving Bucky, "Please." It was a whisper this time, "Please don't be fake this time."

Then he fell, and when Steve caught him, his eyes were already closed, and he was back in the land of unconsciousness. 

AN: Gosh, I hope I didn't mess that up. I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, leave a kudo, and all of those fun things. Until next time!

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