Sweet Sweet Brody

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I wake up before Brody does and I take in his handsome features. I run my fingers softly on his tanned skin. I let myself remember Jordan and how he's very different from Brody.

Jordan was naturally tanned cause he had some Indian in him. Brody however is tanned from hiking across Ireland. Jordan was a gentlemanly handsome. Brody is model handsome. Brody doesn't really look anything like Jordan though. I'm thankful for that.

Not seeing Brody for all that time was good for me. It let me move on and grow from Jordan's death. Brody really is good for me. I think Jordan sent him to me.

I slip out of bed slowly and pull Brody's shirt on. I walk to the kitchen and start to fix us some food. I turn some music on from my phone and I dance around to some good ole country music.

I dance and spin to every song until a certain song comes on. I remember when Jordan told me he wanted us to dance to this song on our wedding day. I smile at the memory before slowly walking to the counter where my phone is sat.

"Leave it. Dance with me." I hear Brody say from behind me.

He walks over to me in nothing but his shorts. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist protectively and tight. We started swaying to the familiar song and I felt my heart skip as Brody spun us and even dipped me gently.

I close my eyes and I'm back dancing with Jordan. I'm in my beautiful wedding dress that my nana helped pick out for me. It plays in my head like it was happening. Every dip, every spin, every laugh, and every tear was in place. I thought that was my forever. I thought Jordan was my forever.

I pull away from Brody and turn the song off fast and then roughly drop to the floor.

"Emmie are you okay?" Brody asks. I flench at the name.

"Don't call me that. Please." I say as I curl up.

"What's wrong Emma?" Brody asks again.

"That was our song Brody."

"Yours and Jordan's?"


Brody pulls me into his lap and I relax against him. He holds me tight and rubs my back gently. Then I hear my phone. I reach up and grab it. I glare at the number and slowly press answer.

"Hello?" I ask slowly.

"Hello. Is this Mrs. Brown?" I hear a voice ask.

"This is her." I say softly.

"We have some information regarding a Jordan Brown. We'd like to see you as soon as possible. It seems there was a mistake." She says.

"A mistake?" I ask as I feel the worry succumb me.

"Yes ma'am. I'd prefer to discuss this face to face. Were gonna need you to come to the office here in New Mexico." She says professionally.

"Okay. I'm out of the country for the time being. I'll be home soon and I'll call you back. Is this number okay for you?"

"Yes ma'am. This is my business number. Just call me when you get home please. It's quite urgent."

"Okay thank you."

"See you soon."

I hang up slowly and look up at Brody. His face is hard and I'm sure that he heard everything.

"I'm sorry Brody. I truly am." I say as I stand up.

"I'm going back with you." He says fast as he looks up at me.

"Are you sure that's the best idea? I mean they're wanting to talk about my husband Brody." I tell him as he stands up.

"You need support Emma. Let me be there." He says as he steps forward and strokes my cheek.

"Thank you Brody. But really I'll be okay." I say softly.

"I'm going no matter what you say." He says.

"Okay then. Let's go pack." I say as I walk away from him.

I walk back upstairs only to realize I left my suitcase in Brody's car yesterday. I walk downstairs and out to his car and grab my bag.

I walk to the guest room to be alone. I slide on a black dress and heels. Then I wash my face and reapply my makeup. Finally I brush my teeth and fix my hair into a neat and professional bun.

I grab the teal colored belt and wrap it around my waist over the dress. Then I put the teal colored earrings, necklace, and bracelet on. I look at my ring and something inside of me wants to move it back to my ring finger. I slowly take it off and slide it on that finger slowly. I close my eyes and tell myself to be strong.

What kind of mistake does the military make? Better yet, what kind of mistake does the military make that's this urgent?

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