Where Is This Ass?

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I went to my bedroom to put on some jogging pants and a t-shirt. When I opened the closet I realized that Brody either didn't keep all of his stuff in there or he found a way to sneak it out without me knowing. I roll my eyes and grab a t-shirt and my running shoes. I slide them on and decide to pull my hair up into a tight bun so it doesn't come loose when I find Jordan and hurt him.

"Emma were here!" I hear Abigail yell.

"Okay. I'm fixing my hair now." I yell back.

"Okay well were gonna sit down and wait." She says.

I put a couple of bobby pins in to secure it and spray it with hairspray. I look in the mirror and feel the tears start to form. I drop to the floor with a loud thump and bring my knees to my chest. I bury my face and do the only thing that I know to do. I cry like I did when I thought he was dead.

"Em are you okay?" I hear the accent ask.

"Brody am I really that awful? Am I so bad that I don't deserve an explanation?" I sob.

"Emma it's not your fault he did this. Your amazing and beautiful. Maybe he didn't leave. Maybe he's just late." He says softly.

I look up and see that he hasn't shaved in what looks like months. He looks like he hasn't slept either. He's gotten a little thinner too.

"Is that my fault too?" I ask him low.

"Of course not. I just wanted something different. Everything reminds me of you though. I can't get you out of my head Emma." He says so low I can barely hear it.

"I should've chose you." I whisper low enough that he can't hear.

"What Emma?" he asks almost shocked.

"Nothing. It's nothing." I say as I stand up and wash my face.

"I heard you Emma." Brody says while I'm drying my face.

"There's no way you could've possibly heard it Brody." I tell him.

"Emma, those are the words I've been waiting to hear for 6 months." He says before finally moving from his spot at the door.

"Please don't Brody. Not tonight. Not till I figure everything out." I say softly.

"Emma please. Just once, be selfish." He says before pulling me into him.

"If I smell like you and he knows it, he'll kill you Brody." I say as I try to fight my own wants.

"I didn't wear any cologne Emma. Just one. That's all I ask for. If we don't feel anything then I'll walk away and never bother you again. Please I need to know if I need to give up." He whispers softly.

"Brody, after tonight I plan on divorcing Jordan. We can find out then. In the meantime, take some of my sleeping medicine and I'll get you a razor. I'll kiss you then." I say softly.

"Emma I have a chance to leave town very soon. I need to know now if were meant to be together now." He says roughly.

"Oh. That changes things then." I say with a gulp.

"I was just gonna leave but it seems like destiny had other plans." He says with a cheeky grin that I recognize.

"Just kiss me Brody." I whisper.

He softly places his lips on mine. There was literally fireworks and explosions and butterflies. The whole 9 yards. I wrap my arms around his neck and we deepen the kiss. His beard brushes against my face is a rough manner that I can't help but to wonder what it feels like on other parts of me. I pull away roughly with the thought and lean against the bathroom counter.

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