Chapter 2

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Look for the dream that keeps coming back . It is your destiny .

As my sister rummaged around her room I peeked my head inside, "need any help?" I asked. She glanced my way her hair was parted and she stood in front of her mirror holding a bottle of hair dye.

"No, I'm just getting ready for my date."

I leaned up against the door framed, "Date? Again? This is the second time this week you must really like the guy!" I smiled, "is he your mate?" I asked teasingly.

Vanessa stopped and looked over at me giving me one of her famous resting bitch faces. I laugh.

"Zaria you know our family is cursed."

I rolled my eyes, "Our family is not cursed we just are always at the wrong place at the wrong time."

She rolled her eyes and continued to put the dye on her dark roots, "Whatever we're cursed, but talking about wrong place wrong time I noticed you weren't at the meeting on Monday. I just haven't had time to chew you out."

I awkwardly smiled.

"I have to get ready for work!" I dashed to my room shutting the door behind me quietly. I sighed. Wednesday night and I had no plans. Shouldn't I be out partying or something? I shook my head what am I talking about Netflix is waiting for me.

Smiling to myself I turn on my Tv and PlayStation. I don't know how to play any games and only use it for Netflix, Hulu, and sometimes crackle whenever I wanna watch an old tv show. I hop on my bed and choose something to watch. I end up debating on whether to re watch thirteen seasons of supernatural or start a new anime show.

Opting the second option I put on Forest Piano.

I was ten minutes into the show when my sister barged in with a gloomy face. Pausing the show I prop myself up on my elbows, "what's wrong sis?"

"My plans just got canceled."

I frowned, "Why what happened?"

"The crescent is sick again. She just got the news her cancer has spread."

I sat up fully. The packs crescent is human. She has all the abilities werewolf's do, but the cancer was found in its late stages and was too advanced to be beaten by the genes of a werewolf. We may age slower and have fast healing abilities, but even we aren't immortal.

"Oh no, will she be okay?"

She nodes her head and slumps down on my bed with a humph, "Yes, the Beta and alpha are flying out tomorrow morning to start treatment."

I'm still not quite getting why her plans are canceled so I asked, "What does any of this have to do with your plans getting canceled?"

She sits up with a smile, "Oh dear sister I haven't had the time to tell you who I've fallen head over heels for!" My eyebrows crunched together in confusion, "so it all started Monday I was rushing to get to school so I wouldn't be locked out of the lecture and I ran to get my Dailey cup of coffee and boom I ran into him like literally! At first I didn't know who he was I just knew I spilt my coffee all over him and I was officially late to the lecture. I could tell he radiated of power but I paid no mind to that as I tried to wipe off his suit. Next thing you know I look up and I had just ran into our alpha!"

My eyes widened, "Vanessa! I swear you going to get us kicked out of the pack!"

She shook her head, "That's what I thought also right, well we got to talking and he asked me on a date and got me into the lecture! He super sweet and Z I think I'm in love!"

I shook my head, "V you know he's not your mate, and your not his. What's going to happen when the real Luna comes around?"

Vanessa groaned, "Little sis this is here and now! If I've fallen for him as much as he's fallen for me that won't be a problem."

"Thats wrong V, this is very very wrong."

She sighed.

"Can't you just be happy for me? Just this once, if the roles were reversed I'd be happy for you," she stood up," Aunt Dorothy is going to be staying late at the morgue probably till the morning shift. I'm going out with the girls," and with that she walked out of my room.

I laid my head down on my pillow, She is without a doubt mad at me were my only thoughts as my eyes became heavy.

The room seemed to spin around me, and then as if magic stopped, "Zaria are you alright?" Bethany was in front of me. Her red hair was styled in in a fancy bun along with a face full of makeup.

"Yah, I'm fine."

Her black dressed seemed to go quite well with her pale skin. She also wore white gloves up to her elbows. We linked arms and walked she seemed to be ranting on about something but her words were foreign to me.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see a guy starring at me. I stop and turn in his direction. Not being able to make out his face I start walking towards him. The closer I got the farther away he seemed to be.

I soon broke out into a sprint and everything seemed to stop. It was just him and I, but I couldn't catch up no matter how fast I ran. Everything seemed to be spinning in a continuous loop.

Zaria's bedroom up above.

My sisters boyfriend. My mate. (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें