Chapter 30

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You've always had the power my dear,
You just had to learn it for yourself.

Rain poured down from the sky. The sun if she was ever out is now covered by dark clouds. I ran to my jeep trying to avoid getting soaked. Hoping in I start the car and set off towards my destination.

Getting to the pack house, the rain poured down even harder. I could barley see out of my windshield as I pulled into the driveway. Taking my keys out of the ignition I took a deep breathe.

Go ahead. Go claim what's mine. Nina spoke to me.

Ours. I corrected her throwing open my Jeep's door. The rain immediately hits me I throw my hood over my head and run inside. Rain soaked my hoodie.

The pack house seemed to be deserted. Everyone was probably trying to stay clear of Oliver. I shed my coat and threw it on the ground running up the stairs. He's in his room.

Going up the stairs I went to his room and pushed opened the door without knocking. Why am I being this bold? This isn't me.

"Zaria, what are you doing," he pulled a white shirt over his head. His hair is wet from getting out the shower, "it's pouring outside did you drive here?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Words couldn't say, explain, how I felt at this very moment, but maybe actions could. I walked up to him stood on my tippy toes and pressed my lips to his.

He seemed shocked. He should be. I don't know why I'm being this bold, this daring.

His hands went to my waist and he deepened the kiss. Sparks shooter throughout my whole body. The sensation was my crack and I might just be addicted. All it took was one touch.

His tongue slid across my bottom lip, I allowed his entrance to explore my mouth with his tongue. His hands were exploring the contents inside my shirt and I loved every second of it.

We broke apart need air. I took a deep breathe as his lips connected with my neck and hit the sweet spot where I would bare his mark. His teeth grazed over the spot. As if realizing what he was doing he let me go and back up. I frowned.

"What are we doing?" He shook his head.

"We're being mates," he looked shocked by what I said, "I mean if you still want me," he took a step forward and crashed his lips into mine with growl.

"I'm always going to want you. Don't think otherwise," he spoke our faces centimeters apart I felt his breathe one mine.

"Then take me," I uttered the words before I could proses them.

"If I do that there's no going back," I was pushed up against the wall in lightening speed.

"Then you'll just be stuck with me forever."

He smirked, "I guess I'll just have to live with that then."

I've never been more happier to shed my clothes.

The sun hit my face I groaned not wanting to be blinded by her. I try to sit up only to fail by an arm around my waist, so I just turn on my stomach. The feeling of the silk sheets wrapped around my body is heavily.

That's when I realize my clothes are missing. I wipe my face then face plant on the pillow before putting my arms under me and pushing up trying to get up. That's when it hits me and I still my movement breathing into the pillow.

Damn. I had a few to many shots of confidence. My right arm went up to my left shoulder blade. It wasn't sore, no mark?

"Your looking for a mark. Your not going to find it," Oliver pulls me closer. I flip on my side and put my hands up against his chest.

The sparks they're intensified by a hundred, before I had time to speak someone barged in the room, "Oliver the whole mood of the pack is down. We need to do something that says, 'I am Alpha' that's fun and big!" I duck under the sheets.

"Lily can we discuss this later?" Lily is our Delta.

"Why? Did I interrupt something? Were you maste-" Oliver cuts her off. I giggled under the covers which made my presents known. My smell must've been mixed with Oliver's by now.

"I'll meet you in my office."

"Oh um ok. My bad," the bedroom for then shut close. I couldn't help but laugh. I threw the blanket off my head and sat up throwing my legs over the bed. Oliver grabbed me by the waist.

"Where do you think your going?" I rolled my eyes and smiled as he pecked my lips.

"I need to get home, and you have a meeting to attend," I looked back him and frowned.

"Attend the meeting with me," he pouted. My eyes widened and I shook my head.

"I'd rather not. I also need a change of clothes."

"My Sister Everly leaves some here. You can borrow something of hers," he has an answer for everything! I stand up shaking off his arm.

"Oliver I really have to go."

He frowned. I held the sheet close to my body as I picked up my clothes.

"You really don't though," he mocked me. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom. I walked back out fully clothes. Oliver laid on the bed fully clothed, "promise me you'll come back later?"

He stood up and walked over to me. I nodded my head and reached up to join my lips with his. So, this is what happiness feel like?

My sisters boyfriend. My mate. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now