Chapter 27

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The sun died each day so the moon could live .

Five minutes, that's how long I had to get to the pack house before my heat started. Oliver left me with a kiss then told me to go. Bethany gushed in the passengers seat about how cute we were as I rushed through the streets of Mystic Edge.

The small town that held ten thousand people. Of which five thousand were werewolf. I could possible be the Luna of one of the biggest packs in North America. Second biggest to be exact.

I pulled into the drive way of the pack house with two minutes to spare. Bethany grabbed a few things as I went to A spare room and locked myself inside. Bethany knocked at the door and came in with a basket full of stuff.

"Ok I think were prepared," that was understatement. From the window we watched the sun fall behind the trees. When the moon made its appearance is when it hit me all at once.

I fell to the floor struck with pain. It felt as if a knife were stabbing me over and over again all over. I managed to make my way to the bed and collapsed on it. Bethany stood by my side holding my hand, "hang in there Z," the knife continued to stab me.

In the torso. In the leg. In the neck. In the back. In the torso and back at the same time. I grunted in pain. The feeling intensified if I made movement, so I laid as still as I could possibly stay. At this point even breathing was hard.

             I drifted into a sleep that seemed to last a second, before I sat upright so quick everything popped. Bethany looked started, but saw my face and rushed around knowing what was about to happen. She handed me a bucket and I puked out my guts. The pain intensified as I moved to throw up. Bethany's hand patted my back.

"How long was I out?" My words were slurred and weren't really words, but Bethany knew what I was trying to say.

"An hour. It's seven thirty. The pack meeting should end in a other thirty minutes or so. Depending on what they're discussing," Nina called out for Oliver and I shook my head. Bethany stood and pulled my hair back as I emptied the rest of my stomachs into the bucket.

You wouldn't be going through this if you weren't so stubborn! Nina scolded me through our link.

You want a cheating mate? Nina whimpered at my response.

Mate is not cheating! She then cut me off leaving me to deal with the full heat myself. I threw up once more.

"Zaria maybe we should get a doctor in here," she took the bucket full of puke made a face and went to the bathroom. When she came back out I shook my head and collapsed back on the bed, "Your Mate is an alpha. A very strong alpha at the. It's not a coincidence that just a week ago his wolf acted up. He knew what was coming. Maybe he even wanted to save you from going through this."

"Please, stop talking," I managed to get out before the bucket was rushed back in front of me. The once clean insides are now a deep crimson with, blood? Oh this can't be good. Bethany looked inside the bucket the back at me.

"Zaria," I shook my head, "we need a Doctor."

"I-I'm fine," with the words on my lips I drifted off once more.

                And again it felt like I drifted off for second when I was brought back again. This time a cold chill woke me up. I shivered and couldn't stop I couldn't control my body, "Zaria, I'm going to go get a doctor," Bethany announced after feeling my for head. I weakly grabbed her arm shaking my head, "Yes, your burning up. You could over heat!"

My sisters boyfriend. My mate. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now