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Alex's POV

I could hardly focus on what was going on after I had seen Henry. All that was on my mind was Oh my god he's alive! there were news stations there and they wanted to ask us all questions and shit but I wasn't bothered. I just needed to talk to Henry. I needed to know what the fuck happened and how he was still alive. During dinner, I managed to convince Eliza to let me leave.I noticed that Henry was sitting at one of the tables. I was about to go talk to him but I chickened out as he got up. I decided to look through and see which room he was in. I raced up there and knocked on the door a couple of times in case he was already there. He wasn't so I sat at his door. I saw him walking down the hall and I almost got up and ran. I forced myself to stay there though.

"Alexander." He said.

"Henry." Seeing him again reminds me of being with him when I was a child. All the feelings I had for him. I kiss him. We make out as he opens the door to go inside with me. 

(a/n- I don't write smut so just think the most awkward vanilla sex ever and yeah. that was it.) 


John's POV

That night, my friends and I all sat in the lobby in our pyjamas drinking even though we're all underage and talking about the wild day we've had. 

"John, have you talked to your dad?" Angelica asked me.

"Yeah. I called him earlier. He was crying too much to be understood. I'm going to go to his apartment tomorrow. 

"Hey guess what. We found the parents of forty-three out of the one hundred and seven children!" Eliza said.

"Holy shit that's amazing!" Peggy said.

"Has anyone seen Alex?" Lafayette asked sitting down on Hercules lap. 

"No. I haven't seen him since I let him go talk to Henry earlier." Eliza said.

"I thought Henry was dead?" Hercules said. 

"Nope. I guess not." As if on cue, Alex shows up.

"Hey, guys," 

"ALEX! Man, we couldn't have pulled all of this off without you." Hercules says giving him a big hug. Alex came and sat down next to me. He seemed uncomfortable as he sat down. lafayette grabbed him a beer.

"are you okay? You seem hurt." Eliza asked.

"I'm okay. I just fell tripped on my shoelace walking down here and fell on my ass." 

"Okay then." They continued to talk about the day. I looked over at Alex who was talking at the time. I notice his neck. I swear I could see a hickey. I text Lafayette and Hercules. 

John- I need you guys to come to my room with me right now.

Baguette- Why mon ami? we're having so much fun down here. Is something wrong? 

John- Yes. something is very wrong. You can come back in a bit. Make up excuses to leave

Herc- Got it. You go first though so it doesn't seem suspicious

"Hey, guys. I've had a long day. I think I'm going to bed." I say as I get up.

"But it's only eleven thirty," Peggy says.

"Sorry. Goodnight guys." I say as I leave. I get to my room and start crying. I know the hickey wasn't from me and Alex hasn't been with anyone else... wait. Henry. Lafayette and Hercules come in. They see me crying.

"What's wrong?" Hercules asked me as he and Lafayette sit next to me. 

"Alex is cheating on me," I say as I lean my head on Lafayette. I cry harder.

"What? But he hasn't been around anyone but... no. Henry?" 

"I think so." 

"Don't worry mon ami. I'll kill both of them for you." Lafayette said.

"Laf, you wouldn't kill anyone. You can't kill a spider half the time." Hercules said.

"Yeah but spiders don't cheat on my best friend." 

"How you know he's cheating on you?" 

"He has a hickey. He tried to cover it with his hoodie but I still noticed it." I cry even harder than when I was before. Laf's shoulder was soaked. 

"Hey, sleep in our room. We'll watch a movie or something. It's too late at night to be dealing with this." 

"Okay." we head over their room and end up watching The Sound of music. Though, I didn't do much watching. Instead, I fell asleep on Hercules' shoulder. 


Lafayette's POV

1 new message

aaronburrsir- where'd you and Herc go

Lafayette- We got tired and went to bed.

aaronburrsir- you picked a bad time to

Lafayette- Pourquoi?

aaronburrsir- Alex told everyone that he screwed Henry. None of us know why. He's not drunk. He never drank the beer Laf gave him. Angelica slapped him. 

Lafayette- holy shit. go, Angelica.

aaronburrsir- Don't tell John

Lafayette- john knows. I'm with him right now. He's been crying since he left. 

aaronburrsir- oh shit. alex is screwed now

Lafayette- I've already come up with 17 different ways that I could kill him and get away with it

aaronburrsir- of course you have, I need to get going. I need to stop Eliza from actually killing Alex

Lafayette- what do you mean

aaronburrsir- she's beating him up. everyone's cheering her on too

Lafayette- I would be. bye


Alex's POV

After Aaron got Eliza off of me I decided the safest thing for me to do is to go to my room. Hopefully John will be there. And nobody else. I need to explain myself. I get into my room and see that John's not there. I think about going to Laf and Hercs room as He's probably there. I decide against it because there's probably an angry French man waiting there. He shot someone in the damn foot today. I fully believe he would kill me. Instead, I go back to Henry's. I need to tell him that what had happened was a mistake. 

"Let me guess, you're back because what happened earlier was a big mistake, you are seeing someone and..." I cut him off by kissing him.

"Not at all. I wanted to come back for round two." And I end up having sex with him again.

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