Chapter Two

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I hit the ground fast and let out a scream. "MOTHER OF ALL GUMMY BEARS OW." Despite the immense amount of pain, I push myself to jump up. I look over my shoulder and see the van come to a screeching halt. The doors roll open and a pissed looking Ace jumps out.

RUN BITCH RUN! My mind screams and I waste no time in following orders.

I take off sprinting down the street. I look around frantically and notice I'm down the street from my apartment. Looks like luck is on my side today! Just four more buildings and then I'll be in my apartment building. I could almost taste the gummy bears waiting for me.

Somebody flashes next to be and before I could react Ace appears in front of me with his arms wide open. I let out a yelp as I run straight into his chest that felt like steel. He immediately hoists me up and throws me over his right shoulder.

"Let me go!" I yelled, punching his back rapidly as I thrash around. Ace only ignores me as he starts walking back to the van. My eyes go to my apartment building and I almost start to panic.

"I may look like a sack of potatoes but that doesn't mean I am one put me down!" I scream, crossing my arms with a huff. Why was this my life? I just wanted to take a nice walk and scare people while I did so.
Why wasn't anyone helping me? They couldn't possibly have noticed me dive out of a moving van.

I hear the metal doors roll open and I sigh as Ace sets me down on my own two feet. "Woah," I mumble as the world spins for a moment.

Ace smirks down at me before saying, "Thanks for the massage by the way."

I scowl at him before he shoves me back into the van. I crawl to his spot and sit criss-cross-applesauce before crossing my arms and pouting. Both McUgly and McSteamy were in the same spots as earlier but McHottie was on the phone. As if sensing my eyes on him he turns to look at me. He gives me a nonchalant nod of his head which I return before looking away.

Ace climbs into the van already glaring at McUgly like he ate his leftovers and left the container out.
"Seriously? 'Not kidnappers' in white fucking paint." Ace growls, using quotation marks as he speaks.
McUgly busts out laughing and I look between them in amusement. McSteamy watches the exchange with a bored look on his face like he was used to this happening.

"Took you long enough to notice" McUgly wipes a tear from his eye as he dies laughing.

Ace's jaw clenches and I see his hands tighten to form fists.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

"What are you laughing at?" Ace growls. Oh shit, he might be psycho. That's cool I kinda like psycho.

McUgly sobers up real quick and shakes his head at Ace frantically, "it's nothin' man." McUgly quickly looks away and Ace slams the door shut.

McHottie curses before pulling the phone away from his ear. The van gets quiet as he starts up the engine and steps hard on the gas.

I became bored with the silence and try to think of things to entertain me. Speaking of entertainment it's so hilarious if my best friends were here. Wait a minute.

"STOP THE VAN!" I screech, my eyes were wide from the amazing thought I just had.

"What? Why?" McHottie asks, slightly slowing down the vehicle.

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