Chapter Six

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I look around the kitchen cautiously making sure no one was around before tiptoeing over to the counter.
I take one last look around to make sure the coast was clear before quietly opening the plastic cupcake case. I did a quick happy dance when I got the seals open and pick one up.

I let out an evil giggle as I peel off the wrapper and stuff my face. The pink frosting was probably in the corners of my lips but I didn't care. This cupcake tasted delicious.

"What are you doing?" Damien yells from down the doorway.

"Nothing!" I respond, but since my mouth was full of cupcake it came out as "woeing."

I give him an innocent smile as Damien's eyes widen at the open cupcake container. His eyes then narrow into slits when he sees my frosting covered lips, "how did you-"

Taking the cupcakes into my arms I shut the cover and prepare myself for a fight. "You'll never catch me alive!" I yell as I run towards him. Damien let's out a girlish shriek and I use his wide stance to slide between his legs. I quickly jump up and sprint back up the stairs. I five into the first room I see, which I think is Ace's, and make my way to the empty bed.

I waste no more time and begin to stuff my face with more cupcakes. Oh my God, these are so fucking good. I've already demolished 4 of these bad boys.

I like unicorns they're so majestic and totally real. Unicorns are horses with horns which is way more believable than the animals with the long necks... what are they called? Jerkoffs? Joffrey's? I don't know but Unicorns are real and even cuter than Joffrey's.

I like gummy bears.

Hehehe that was random.

The bedroom door is pushed open and reflexively I hide the cupcakes under a pillow. Damien scans the room, most likely looking for my cupcakes. Too bad cause' they're mine!

I stand up on the bed and start jumping up and down giggling at his confused expression.

"You'll never find them" I sing, enjoying the way the world goes blurry as I jump. Suddenly the pillow falls and reveals the case.

I freeze and look down at the cupcakes, then up at Damien, then back down at the cupcakes. Finally, I look back up at him with my mouth wide open. I pick up my babies and jump off the bed. I quickly sidestep Damien and grab the staircase railing.
Sticking my tongue out I slide down backward.

"Weeeeeeee!" I scream as I shoot down to the bottom. I jump down when I come to the end of the railing and run into the kitchen. I sprint into the dining room that was connected to the kitchen. I see a table and think to myself; "I bet I can climb that."

So I pull out a chair and use it as a step ladder to get on top of the table. It takes a minute for me to find my balance but once I do I feel great. I feel like I can conquer the world now. I take out another cupcake and start munching on it as I look at all the shiny spoons in front of me. The table was already set with silverware and it looked all pretty.

Damien rushes in, huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. "Stella! H-hand over the C-cupcakes" Damien wheezes, bending over and resting his hands on his knees.

"NEVER PEASANT!" I scream, picking up a metal spoon. I aim for his forehead and fire. The spoon hits him directly in the middle of his forehead with a 'thump' and I clap my hands in triumph. "Bulls-eye!"

Damien's eyes narrowed dangerously at me and he lets out a growl of annoyance. "That's it! You pissed me the fuck off!"

My face pales as an ice-cold feeling washes over me. Damien looked anything but joking. "RETREAT!" I scream. I jump off the table and race out of the dining room. and I go straight to the living room.

If someone dies in the living room, would it still be called the living room?

I notice Luca sitting on the couch and watching TV so like a genius I decide to jump over the couch and sit next to him.

"Hide me from the monster" I whisper as I poorly try
ducking behind his long legs.

Luca glances down at me with little interest before going back to watching his show. I let out a low breath of relief and relax my body. There's no way Damien can find me here, this hiding spot is chef's kiss. That's when arms wrap around my waist and pull me off the floor.

I scream at the top of my lungs, "AHHHH GUMMY BEARS ON ICE IM BEING KIDNAPED....AGAIN."


The cupcakes, or cupcake I should say since I ate them all, falls to the floor and everyone freezes. Both Damien and Luca are staring down at the practically empty case that once held six cups in absolute horror. I start wailing at the loss of what would be absolute heaven in my mouth.

"My cupcakes!" I wiggle out from the monster's grip and mournfully pick up the dirty cupcake. "My poor baby" I cry, this is worse than Hannah Montana's ending. Grudgingly I stand up off the floor and walk into the kitchen. I notice the back door and throw it open. Stumbling I reach outside and see a giant pool in the middle of an even more huge, plush, green grass having back yard, and my jaw drops.

Absolutely flabbergasted I make my way to the blue pool and fall to my knees right in front of it. I was never good at swimming and could only float. I wonder what the water feels like right now. But I notice something in the corner of my eye that has me stop leaning towards the water.

"Ooo it's a pretty rock!" I exclaim excitedly. I wonder if Patrick lives under it.

"Hellooo... Patrick... buddy? You home?" I ask the rock as I gently knock on its hard surface.

Patrick Star lives under a rock, right? So why isn't he answering? Tears brim my eyes and I let out a dramatic sob. I grab the rock and hold it close to my chest and stare up at the sky as tears stream down my face.

"Patrick was too young God!" I scream at the clouds. The sun was really bright today so I had to squint but I think it adds to my scary image. Maybe if I intimidate God he'll bring Patrick back to life.

"Stella! Stella, what's wrong? What happened?" Ace asks from behind me. I drop Patrick's rock and turn around to face him. His beautiful face was full of worry and he reached his arms out towards me.

"Patrick's dead" I whine. Ace looks confused until he notices the discarded cupcake case beside me.

His eyes widen and his attention flies back to me but I get the powerful urge to nap right here right now. God high naps are the best, I'm totally looking forward to this one. I'm absolutely blazed out of my mind right now.

"G'night" I mumble, shutting my eyes. I feel the sensation of falling right before I pass out.


i LOVE napping after i smoke. there's no better feeling. however, waking up is a different story bc i totally forget i was even alive. it was like i just stopped existing the entirety of my nap. kinda slaps tho.

i do not encourage smoking but if you're going to do it i hope you have a safe and happy high and you smoke responsibly!!!


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