Chapter Nineteen

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Fun fact;
Ace started to become infatuated with Stella the minute she was in the van.
Stella knew she would've liked him a lot quicker if he wasn't a kidnapper the second she saw him.

i'm in the middle of editing this book and i've messed up haha. while editing i decided to make more chapters and this is one of the extra/ changed chapters! the chapters after this will not add up w this one! i will delete this when they do :)

(Four months later)

My fist connect with the punching bag in rapid succession. The bag swings in the air and rattles the chains holding it up. My mind is clear of all distractions and as I punch I imagine every time it connects my fist goes through the bag. I imagine punching a gaping hole in the middle of the bag, and watching the sand spill out of the busted open material.

I connect one more punch before I no longer have to imagine splitting open the bag. I watch in astonishment as sand spills out the bag and onto the gym mat.

"How many punching bags have you broken this month? Two- well now three?" I hear someone say from the shadows of the spectator corner.

I don't look to see who spoke and just focus on the piles of sand in front of my feet. I get the urge to kick the sand but turn away before I could do so. I don't want to create a bigger mess for the clean up crew.

I shrug my shoulder innocently,"I think the bags you guys buy are defective."

Damien steps out of the shadows with his infamous goofy smile on his lips. He shakes his head at me in mock disappointment as he walks over to me. Once he reaches me he reaches his hand up and I meet it in a high five.

I grin up at him, and my pride must be oozing off of me because he says the following sentence.

"Want to spar?"

I narrow my eyes at the challenge and my lips turn upwards into a cunning smile, "you know I'm going to win so why try?" I taunt, walking backwards towards the sparring ring.

Damien shrugs his shoulders as he walks towards the other side of the ring. "I want to see how much you've improved. You know when you first started training I didn't expect that you'd one day be able to punch holes into the punching bags."

I barked out a laugh in agreement as I unwind my shoulders and try to keep my jaw unclenched. I started training four months ago to join the boys in the mafia. I had never seen myself joining the workforce and working a regular boring job. I had always wanted to be something dangerous, something cool and adventurous. So when the boys said they wanted to work on becoming friends, the girls and I took it as an opportunity to join them.

We wanted to train to kill all the men who had the audacity to hurt those they deemed weaker than them. We would get revenge for their victims that couldn't do it themselves.

I hear the gym room doors open and a bunch of footsteps coming towards us before I see Sage and Novah arguing while Luca and Ace walk quietly behind them. Sage and Novah catch sight of me and Damien in the sparring ring and rush over. Both the girls flock to my side of the ring and Damien flashes Sage a look of hurt.

Sage just sticks her tongue out at him before looking at me. "I'm guessing you killed that punching bag over there."

I grin and nod my head, proudly owning up.

Novah's smile widens and she throws her arms around my shoulder and pulls me to her chest. "That's ma' girl!" She cheers, ruffling up my hair.

"Knock em dead Stell!" Sage cheers.

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