Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Julia Barzetti, dressed impeccably in a lavender pantsuit, welcomed the young ladies with keenness. Needless to say, when Tisha had called to ask for an appointment for Sonia Alexander, she could not say no. How could she? After all, this was the woman who had captured her son's mind quite a lot in the last few weeks!

"Thank you so much for meeting us." Sonia said, walking to Julia. "I am Sonia Alexander."

"Oh no problem at all!" Julia said, looking at the pretty brunette. "I am Julia Barzetti."

"It's nice to meet you. This is Tara, my lawyer." Sonia introduced as they walked inside the mansion and into a huge study hall.

"Hello." Julia smiled at Tara.

"You have a beautiful house." Tara said as she looked around the wood works in the hall.

"Thank you, I have designed quite a bit of it." Julia chuckled. "What would you like to have? Tea, coffee, juice, anything else?"

"No, we are good, thanks." Sonia replied as they sat down, in front of huge French windows which overlooked a picturesque garden outside.

"I have heard so much about you from Drago, it's so nice to finally meet you!" Julia exclaimed and Tara looked at Sonia impressively.

"Me? He talked about me?" Sonia said softly, chuckling.

"Well, I have heard enough to be impressed by you. Let me tell you sweetheart, what you are doing, making a home for those kids, is a very noble thing to do!" Julia said, smiling warmly.

"Thank you. I don't do it for the nobility of it although, I do it for the happiness it gives me. Some people may even say I am selfish!" Sonia chuckled.

"Oh well, your selfishness is a good thing then!" Julia laughed. "Okay, what are the papers I need to sign on?"

"Oh, here." Tara said, handing out the opened file to Julia.

"Mom?" A voice called and all the ladies looked at the door.

Drago walked inside the hall, buttoning up his coat, with a frown on his face and Tisha walking behind him.

"Darling, what are you doing here?" Julia looked surprised.

"Well, I got a message from my secretary, informing me that I had forgotten to sign some papers, so I came back. I apologise for your inconvinience Ms Sonia." He said and Sonia just nodded with a slightly open mouth.

"You came back from India just to sign these papers?" Tara asked shocked.

"Well, I hadn't reached Delhi, I just told the pilot to take a u-turn. You can do that when you own the jet." He smiled and Tara chuckled.

"Thank you very much. I really appreciate that." Sonia said, standing up and smiling. "I was not expecting this at all."

"I have a good sense of business, thanks to my parents." He said and gestured her to sit.

"Well then I should thank your mother." Sonia chuckled, looking at Julia.

"By all means!" Drago laughed.

"Thank you so much Mrs Barzetti!" Sonia smiled softly.

"Please, call me Julia." She said and passed the file to Drago. He signed the papers and Tisha took them.

"I will take them to the Mayor's." She said and left.

"Thank you once again. We should leave. Wouldn't want taking anymore of your time." Tara said and Sonia nodded.

"Oh no! Why don't you stay for brunch? It's almost eleven now and it'll take only half an hour for preparations." Julia suggested.

"Um, we can't, we have...get to...the site." Sonia said slowly.

"Come on Sonia, today's construction is slowed down anyways. And I am hungry. And Mrs Bar-I mean, Julia is being so considerate!" Tara nudged Sonia and smiled at her. "Mr Barzetti, you ask her."

"Yes...Ms Sonia, you should stay. Mom makes really good frittatas!" Drago said, looking at his mother.

"Drago, you can directly tell me that you want to eat frittatas, don't use Sonia as a bait!" Julia shook her head. "But he's right, they are very tasty!"

"Okkay, I'll stay." Sonia chuckled.

"Good! Then I will go to the kitchen and meanwhile, Drago will show you around!" Julia said and stood up.

"Oh no no, that's not necessary, we can wait here. I am sure Mr Barzetti has to resume his trip to India as soon as possible." Sonia said, looking at Drago.

"Oh, Drago, I forgot. Yes, that's also important! You should leave soon then!" Julia said, shrugging.

"That meeting is postponed now so I am free to show you around." Drago smiled at Sonia and Tara stood up.

"That's great. I am dying to see all of this!" Tara exclaimed, pointing at the whole room excitedly.

"Good. Then I will see you ladies soon." Julia said and quickly walked outside the hall.

"Shall we?" Drago gestured to the ladies.

"You don't have to do this. We are totally fine here." Sonia said, standing up.

"Sonia!" Tara mumbled angrily.

"I am totally  free today, I swear. And Tara seems really excited. And believe me, no one gets to see all this so easily!" Drago smiled.

"Are you being cocky?" Sonia smirked.

"Cocky?" He chuckled. "What does that mean?"

"You don't know the meaning of cocky?" Tara said surprised.

"Well, I am not American." He shrugged.

"It means conceited." Sonia said, looking away.

"Concieted?" He laughed. "No, I am just being considerate, towards my guests. But if you don't want to, I understand." He said and sat down, shrugging.

Sonia sighed as Tara nudged her again. She looked at her friend who was glaring at her with wide eyes and mumbling something very quickly, pointing at Drago with her eyes. She smiled tightly and whispered a fine!  before looking back and walking to Drago's sofa.

"I am sorry, that was really rude of me. I would love to see around. Could you give us a...tour?" She said, biting her lip.

He looked at her with his very cerulean but slightly narrowed eyes and out of the blue, her heart beat rose and she felt her mouth go dry.

What is happening? Am I getting an attack of some sort?

He blinked and chuckled and she felt her hands go clammy and stomach go whoop! at the unfamiliar sound.

This is an attack! I repeat, we are under attack!

"Sure, if you insist!" He said, somewhat cheekily and stood up. "Let's go!"

Walking past her, he ushered Tara out of the room and Sonia was fine again. Heart rate, normal. Mouth, coated in adequate amount of saliva. Hands, dry and soft again. Stomach, normal and not doing somersaults. Great.

She took a deep breath as a very confused frown adorned her face.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Tara almost entered into the room again but Sonia quickly walked towards her.

"Nothing. Let's go, Mr Barzetti must be waiting!" She said, fake enthusiasm clearly showing.

"Okkay?" Tara said, not convinced.

Sonia just nodded slowly, linked her arm around hers and walked into the direction her attacker was at.


I do not own the picture. Credit to it's owner. (I googled it, it says it's from

Love Beyond LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz