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Dedicated to heeeeery

It's not that I want to fix you or save you or anything that has to do with that. It's more like I will accept you and take your flaws for more than what they are. If you're a hurricane then I'll be the sea that gives you the strength to go on~Unknown.


"Morning class"The English Literature teacher said,as her eyes scanned the class. She was a middle aged woman with a pretty face and golden hair which was styled into a neat bob.

"For your project, I am going to divide you into groups of two" Mrs Vanessa spoke, strolling around the classroom.

The class grew noisy, everyone clearly interested in what she was saying. The first thing that came to my mind was 'Oh God please bless me with a sensible partner', The last thing I wanted was an F in this class.
Yes I'm proudly a nerd, I don't care.

A blonde girl beside me ,nudged me in the shoulder.

"What do you think the project's gonna be about?" She asked, her white teeth flashing.

I didn't know, I didn't care. As long as it was easy and fun.
She probably asked me because she thought I was smart enough to figure it out.

I shook my head and shrugged as a sign that I had no idea.

The noise died down and the teacher cleared her throat. Everyone was watching her, eager to know what the project was going to be.

"You'll all be expected to complete your projects in the next six weeks" she spoke.

Just get to the point Madam.

She explained that we were supposed to write a short of five thousand words with themes of determination , happiness and success with our partners. And we had six weeks to complete the project. It seemed fair enough as long as I had a good partner. I just prayed and hoped that my partner wasn't some annoying drama queen, for instance Amna.

In fact, I didn't mind having anyone else as my partner, as long as it wasn't her.

The teacher started calling out pairs and I couldn't help but get tense.
'Oh Allah please it shouldn't be Amna' I thought.

"Emily Abel and Justin Gerard" they stared at each other and frowned.

They clearly didn't like each other.

I stifled a laugh.

I couldn't Imagine having someone I disliked as a partner.

Being paired with Amna would have just been be a nightmare. We'd have to both end up with an 'F' to be honest.

"Fatma Lamar and Olive Wilder"

She went on and on and I was getting more nervous. I really didn't want to be paired with someone who hated me.

"Imaan Jaleel and Aaron Ryder"

I didn't even get to be paired with my lovely Bestie? How tragic!

She continued calling out the names and then my heart skipped a beat when I heard her name.
"Amna Soufyan and.....James Oscar"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, throwing my fists in the air, until I realized people were staring at me, causing me to stop, clearly very embarrassed.

"Noooo" Amna shouted and everyone turned to look at her.

I wasn't surprised though. She probably wanted to be paired with one of her friends.

The Niqabi Girl Where stories live. Discover now