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Dedicated to youngWwriter

I learnt the language of the winds for you
So when the air grows up n down
Darling i know you need my smile by your side

I learnt the dance of the angels for you
So when the sun is hot
I will dance cloudy clouds down you for shades

I learnt the secret of the hearts for you
So babyboo when my heart races you to the finish line
Just know i am yours forever


Elham's POV.

"Okay but seriously, who wears a Niqab to a party?" I asked them. Asaad, Yasmeen and I were currently in his car, heading to the party. I was so uncomfortable and I couldn't even believe that my mom also forced me to go for this birthday party. Calling me 'lame' and 'I needed to get a life' because sometimes she wondered who was the 'teenager between both of us'.

"Can you just stop complaining already?" Yasmeen said, as she took some pictures of herself with her phone.
I didn't think they understood the fact that going to a party like this was going to attract unnecessary and unwanted attention which I most definitely did not want. And apart from that, I had never ever attended a party or anything of such so everyone was going to be surprised and giving me way awkward stares. I sighed, I was going to have to deal with it. I'd probably isolate myself in the kitchen there, or wherever it was that loners hung around.

I noticed Asaad was quiet throughout. He had barely said a 'hey' to me. Times when he was like this, i didn't know if I was supposed to give him some space or not. He was just such a complicated person.

I didn't know what to think of Yasmeen. We were definitely polar opposites. She was talkative, a very social person, she also seemed like a tough girl, surprisingly very intelligent because we had a few conversations about school work and she knew more than I ever had. Apparently she was also a book worm, had a think for cooking, and was 'Zendaya's biggest fan'. She was a simple person despite all these and very easy going. I liked her but I was yet to completely understand her so I wasn't going to get comfortable around her soon.

I noticed the car driving through large gates which automatically flew open. The car stopped at a point and Yasmeen jumped out in excitement. The loud music coming from inside was enough to make me feel the lump in my throat right now. Before I could do anything, Asaad walked to my door and flew it open.

I took a deep breath and stepped down.

Relax Ilham. Nobody's gonna eat you up.

I shut the door close and turned to realize he was staring at me.

I arched a brow, aware that he couldn't see my face.

"I see you have some makeup on" he smirked. I took a step back when I realized he was standing too close.

He frowned at that.

"Yeah". I broke the eye contact, diverting my gaze to the mansion standing meters away. I breathed. "Yasmeen coerced me Wallah. And it's really getting all itchy"


I searched for her in the group of people sprinkled outside. She was posing for a picture as some tall guy who I was sure was from our school, snapped her.

"Who says 'coerced'?" He gave an amused look. I shrugged.

Are we going in? Are we not going in?

"Anyways" he continued.

"You should wear it more often. Whatever it is you've got on your eyes"

The Niqabi Girl Where stories live. Discover now