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If she could have one wish to be granted, she would have wished that he could hear she said I love you for the first and last time.

Meeting him was a fate,
But falling in love with him was beyond my control.


Sitting down quietly, she didn't even spared her mother a glance, afraid that she would accidentally make eye contacts with the young man infront of her.

She could still feel the burning stares that the man gave her. Her mother was still laughing with the other woman that was sitting beside the man.

"So what do you say Sohee?" Slapping herself mentally she quickly regained her conscious and looked around the table in question, asking for her mother to repeat the question. Her mother smiled and gently caressing her hand under the table.

"Are you okay with the idea of marrying Hyunjin?" Averting her eyes from her mother's calm face, she looked towards the man, that she learned his name was Hyunjin was looking at her with an unreadable look. Feeling guilty washed over, she waited for the man to say something, but he just kept his mouth shut while looking down at the table. Sensing no response from the young man, she slowly nodded her head, unsure.

Since they met hours ago, the young man infront of her never ever open his mouth. He was sitting there quietly and was giving her burning stares since from the start. It was not a hate stare, just a simple stare that she didn't know what its meaning.

Since the man didn't say anything, she just forced herself to agree to whatever her mother was saying. How could she said no, when her mother was asking her to marry him with sparkles in her eyes, hoping she would accept it.

Upon hearing her replied, the two mothers squealed in happiness while the man infront of her suddenly stand. The three of them gave him a question looks.

"Mom, madam, can you please let me talk to Miss Kim alone?" Both of the woman looked at each other and smiled secretly before nodding their heads.

"Sure, just do whatever you want" she looked at her mother in suprised before giving her mother a panic look. Her mother mouthed to her 'just go, I will be here if you need anything'

With a heavy heart, she slowly stand up from her seat and followed the young man outside. Walking behind him, she took her time to scan his back side and felt so small when she compared her petite body with his tall and built form.

'His hair looks so soft' she thought, trying to resist from touching his black hair.
Upon arriving, the man turned to her abruptly, making her bumped into his chest. Quickly step back, she bowed her head as a sign of apology  with panics washed all over her body.

"Why did you agree?" He asked suddenly making her stopped her action and looked up at him. Giving him a question looks the man repeat,

"Why did you agree marrying me?" She didn't say anything as she suddenly felt guilty again. The man sighed when she didn't say anything.

"I have a girlfriend already, and I love her" she moved her head from looking at the floor to look at him in shock.

Then why you didn't say anything back then? Why are you just sitting there quietly? She wanted to ask these questions, but she can't. Opening her mouth, she closed back, knowing that no sound would come out from her mouth. As he could detect her question, he said

"My mother was hoping very much that I will marry you. She didn't like my girlfriend. I love her but at the same time I love my mother too. I was hoping you declined the deal back there but instead of doing that, you agreed to marry a stranger" He said and gave her the familiar burning stares. She was shocked, yes, as she felt the same way. She love her mother too and didn't want to see her mother sad. She just stayed silent until he snapped

"Say something! Why are you so quiet?!" She winced and slowly step back from him, suprised when he raised his voice. When he sensed she was scared of him, he raked his hair, frustrated.

"Fine if you don't want to say anything. But don't expect me to be nice to you when we get marry" he stare at her,long enough that she noticed a changing in his eyes, before he made his step back inside the restaurant, leaving her alone.

Why did he looked at me like that?

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