
457 19 23

*Notice: I edited some part in chap 1,2 and 3 to avoid any confusion. Feel free to check ♥


A week have passes, with lacking interactions between the two of them along with cold treatment he gave her.

Of course, they slept in the same room but it felt like she was sleeping alone. When she goes to bed, he was still at work and he would came back late at night, and in the morning when she woke up he was not there anymore.

She tried once, to stay all night to wait for him. Yes, she was excited when she saw his light's car driving into the porch, but all that excitement instantly vanished when all he asked,

"What are you doing still up in this hour?" He asked with a low voice. She could spot his black circle around his eyes. He looked exhausted. She pulled out a small notepad that she always kept with her and wrote something.

'I'm waiting for you to come back home' she said searching for his face in the dark. 'You never come home early, and I thought I should greet you even this late'

Upon he read that, a low chuckled could be heard as the man gripped her arms making her winced.

"Don't be stupid. You know our marriage is only because it was planned. Don't act like a good wife" she pushed his hand instantly and gave him a hard glare, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"I clearly told you on that day when we met. Don't expect me to be nice to you when we got married" as he was about to walk away, she pulled his arms, preventing him from going away. She gave him another notepad.

'Then why did you pulled my hand on our wedding day' he raked his hair, frustrated and with a sigh he said

"I'm not in the mood with this" with that he walked away making his steps upstairs. She just stood there looking at his shadow and did not noticed that her tears were slowly running down her cheeks.


Today was great. The sun shone brightly above her and she thought that it was a day to start with a good mood.

Spotting a white plate on the dining table, the plate was still full with breakfast that she cooked for him. He didn't eat the breakfast that she made for him. He didn't even touched it.

The thoughts were beginning to cloud her mind as she tried to tell herself that she should wait. She should wait until he can fully accept her.

Why? Why did he hate her so much? It was because she was mute? Because she can't talk?

People often hate her for that. Because she was deaf, as they were saying 'such a waste for a beautiful face'

It is wrong for mute people like me to live the way the normal people could?

Upon she said that, a sweet and calm voice lingers in her mind 'It's not wrong for people like you to live in this world. People like you deserve to live happily'

That boy. She knew too well whos voice was that. That boy with shining black hair and a cute mole under his left eye.

Smiling at the thought, she quickly shook her head. It have been a long time ,yet she still remembered his face perfectly. She was hoping to see him again, even in a short amount to thank him for saving her.

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