Chapter 11

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23 Weeks

"Have you seen this?" Allison's voice pulled me from my peaceful doze. Next thing I knew a phone was being shoved in front of my bleary eyes.

"Did you know about her?" Allison's face came into focus as I blinked away the bleariness in my eyes. Pulling my feet from her lap I looked up to see the movie we had begun watching was still playing away. The volume a lot quieter than when she had first put it on.

"Jesus All' I was enjoying that nap" I mumbled trying my best to stretch my back as I straightened up on the couch, pushing off the cosy blanket I'd been sleeping under for the last... 40 minutes, I realised looking at the time on Allison's phone. That's when my eyes began to focus on the dark image she was showing me.

"What's this?" I asked as the familiar chestnut headed man came in to focus and a not so familiar blonde.

"I was hoping you'd be able to tell me. The headline reads 'Camilla Lowe: Harry's Latest Secret"

I shrugged absentmindedly as I stared at the dark image of a dodgy looking paparazzi picture. Harry was unmistakably scowling at the camera as his beautiful companion strolled tightly beside him. It didn't surprise me that I didn't recognise their surroundings. The image was dark and had definitely been taken at night, the balcony they were walking along gave away no clues as to where they were.

My throat felt tight as my gaze flicked to the blonde snuggled in to his side. I didn't recognise her but then why would i? I didn't know any of Harry's friends. Proving once again how little I really knew about Harry and his life.

"I have no idea" I sighed, allowing my body to fall back into the sofa cushions surrounding me.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" Allison asked bringing her phone back to read the accompanying article.

"I have no idea" I snorted again as my mind wandered back to the kiss we'd shared before he'd disappeared to L.A. I doubt a girlfriend would be happy knowing her boyfriend was kissing the mother of his unborn child. Did she even know I existed. How many people knew he was expecting a child. he'd told his mum, that much I knew but I suddenly felt embarrassed that maybe she was the only one who knew. It looked like he was carrying on his life as normal, with not concern for the hormonal, pregnant woman he'd left back in London.

"Supposedly she's a Victoria Secrets model and it would seem he has a penchant for them, if this is to be believed she's not the first one he's been dating... are you ok?" Allison's voice trailed off as she watched me wipe stray tears from my cheek.

"Fine" I shook my head in derision. "I'm just being a bit hormonal" I dismissed the tears.

"You're allowed to be upset, you know" Allison turned on the sofa so she was facing me. Stray blonde hairs escaping from her messy ponytail were framing her face. A face that, like my mothers, had an easy ability to calm me when I began to stress.

"Am I though?" I asked doubtfully. "I don't even know what I'm upset about" I sighed shrugging my shoulders.

"You're pregnant. He's the father of your child. He's swanning about L.A while you're stuck in dreary London doing all this by yourself. I'd say that's reason to be upset" Allison offered.

"I'm not really by myself though, my mum and dad have only just left and now you're home. I've not been on my own for weeks. And he's not anything to me. Other than being the babies father I have no claim to him. He's free to swan about L.A with whatever model he wishes." I huffed, rubbing my hand gently over my petite bump.

Allison eye'd me, not convinced by my words. "He's not nothing to you Nor'"


Christmas had passed by in a flurry and New Year had been quiet. What I originally feared would be a lonely affair turned into a peaceful, relaxing break. Mum had turned into my rock. She'd spent many late nights, curled in front of the fire answering my endless onslaught of questions. My questions ranged from the obvious to the down right weird but my mum dutifully answered as much as she could.

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