Chapter 33

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Being so close to Harry as he performed in front of thousands of fans was almost too much for words. I was in awe as I watched him prance and strut around, owning every inch of the kilt and the stage for another 45 minutes. Jeff stood just over my shoulder reminding me to breath at regular intervals, because there were tines I was so entranced by the man on stage that I genuinely forgot there was more to life than the magic he was creating in front of me.

I heaved a sigh that was equal measures relief and despair when the lights dimmed at the end of his final song. There was a commotion as his band raced off stage. There was a flurry of cheek kisses and one armed hugs as the band raced by me in front of Harry who was still soaking up the crowd and throwing anything and everything that wasn't taped down, into the crowd as souvenirs. I'm sure even without them it was a night that no one in the room was likely to forget.

"You might want to find Avery and say goodnight"

I turned to see Jeff, standing casually against a speaker, his arms folded across his chest and a dirty big smirk on his face. His dark hair was poking out from underneath the ball cap he was wearing and he looked so much like your average American guy with his plaid shirt and jeans, but I knew behind that easy American guy facade was a shrewd business man and a damn good manager. I knew Harry wouldn't be where he was without Jeff.

"What do you mean? Am I not taking her back to my parents?" I frowned in confusion.

He nodded towards Harry who was slowly making his way off stage, his grin so wide it was nearly splitting his face in two. "Lover boy has other ideas" He shrugged as I felt Harry's arm wrap around my shoulder and a sloppy kiss was smacked against my cheek.

"That was fucking incredible" Harry shouted. His warm breath fanning across my cheek as he pulled my back against his chest. I held on to his forearms to reciprocate the strange hold he had on me.

"Great show, man" Jeff clapped him on the shoulder. "Time to head out, everyone's waiting backstage"

I looked over my shoulder as Harry loosened his grip on my shoulders and we started to follow Jeff off stage. "What's going on?" I asked and Harry just smiled coyly, as he pointed out all the hazards he didn't want me to fall over.

The sound of the crowd filing out of the arena slowly died down once we were through a large set of double doors. Men descended like vultures to tear the stage down and ship it off to Birmingham for Harry's next show in a couple of days.

"What's going on?" I asked again, wrapping my fingers through Harry's as we stride down the corridor towards the green rooms. I tug on his arm trying to get him to slow down.

"S'surprise" Harry mumbled over his shoulder, his pace never faltering.

"Harry stop!" I tugged on his fingers again and forced him to turn to me. His eyes were still dancing from the adrenaline clearly still coursing through his body. He'd possibly never looked sexier in that moment. He was still the rockstar I'd just witnessed on stage. He still made my heart pump faster.

"I hate surprises H. Please just tell me what's going on?" I took a step closer to him, an overwhelming urge to be as close as I could in that moment.

He pushed a stray lock of hair over my ear and I shivered as the goosebumps erupted over my skin.

"You sure you want me to ruin it?" I pulled my bottom lips through my teeth and nodded watching him through my lashes.

He sighed like he was disappointed he wasn't allowed to surprise me but he told me anyway that he had booked us an overnight at a hotel, somewhere out in the country, for just the two of us.

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